Episode 13 : soul dial

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As Aster rode my shoulders three sonic booms blasted out coming from the valley blowing up clouds of dust along with several people trying to formulate plans and some of the vendor's stands making them lose their wares.

[spartan valley figures its time to close the quest]

My own skirt was about to lift from the wind but weighing it down with ice mana i saved myself from some embarrassment unlike other woman nearby who allowed men nearby to get eyeful's of whats underneath. There was no need as i was wearing trousers but i did so anyways. "that was Strife's doing i assume?"

[machination's spirit is getting tissues for his nose]

I turned to Kaleid who was wearing just tight leather pants not having to worry about it as she giggled, "yes. He and his familiar are likely having a race right now."

I haven't seen the quest contents myself but for it to make Strife do such a thing it was likely an improbable task only he could do again.

"Aunty, how come only Jamie gets to be with, mister? Its so unfair." Aster asked

"He'll be back soon Aster so bear with it for now." As i said this i finalized the payment with the merchant i was bartering with getting snacks for the three of us. "These are crepes. Local creamy delicacies of Lasso."

Handing them to the two other girls Aster immediately chowed down as Kaleid took slow bites to savor it.

"Ugh! Your always such a bitch! Just grow up already!" A commotion was stirring and a crowd was beginning to gather. "stop being so cold, whore!"

Curious as to what was happening Kaleid and i entered the growing crowd encompassing two grown woman who looked foreign to Lasso and i could hear the crowd whispers as I moved past.

"What happened?"

"A fight just broke out from nowhere."

"Who are those beauties?"

A girl with bright blonde hair and blood red eyes was diminishing a girl with salmon-pink hair who appeared dazed and uncaring about the situation. "just leave me alone, Mary."

Fire gathered in the blond girls hand as she threatened the other, "just because your treated so special by the captain you think you can act so superior all the time?!"

if i was an upstanding individual i would immediately put out that flame on her hand like others were motioning to do, but I'm no righteous person. On the run you learn that helping others is something you definitely shouldn't do in public light.

"Now, now, lets be civilized Mary. Lumine was just a little distracted, theres nothing to be mad about." A large man carrying a shield on his back was sweating from the heat as he tried to calm the violent woman

Gnashing her teeth Mary flung a fireball around the big man at the girl. I could see some in the crowd move to save her as they aimed wands, staffs and arms but she had already cancelled the attack with a ray of violet light magic. "I'll be at the caravan, Telos. I want to be alone."

"Wait, but! Shouldn't you two make up?!" The large man was doing his best to restrain Mary constantly trying to go around him

"I'll leave it for the captain to solve." The crowd opened up for the distant woman and she walked away. Leaving the squabbling girl to be dealt with by the gentle giant blocking her path.

"Bitch! Your nothing but an empty husk!" Mary shouted curses at the other girl but i found myself looking at Kaleid in my boredom remembering the image of the [void angels] she could conjure up, wondering what's it must be like to summon creatures infinitely. "Let me go Telos! If the captain wont beat sense into her i will!"

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