5 - Poker night

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My sneakers pounded against the concrete as I kept up my pace beside Lira

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My sneakers pounded against the concrete as I kept up my pace beside Lira. Somehow mom forgot about our apparent shower together which was good. The gentle breeze whipped past my bare chest, ruffling my dark hair back. It was early and we escaped the house before anyone was awake to go for a run. Lira rarely ran before but since I ran almost every morning, she joined me. It was just refreshing, exhilarating. It gave me a chance to clear my head, to think.

I stared ahead at the empty road before me, the skies were clear and quiet. Looking to my right I saw Lira in her usual attire of a sports bra and leggings, of which they showed off her sculpted body and ass. She had her hair up into a tight ponytail and it swung behind her, her arms swinging at her sides. "You know I practically saved your ass last night." She grinned.

"You saved both our asses." I corrected which only made her chuckle. She tutted. "No I saved your ass. Your mom loves me. Do you really think she would punish me? I don't think so. And after last night, after we talked all about dresses and how I would do my hair. I officially think I'm her favorite." She grinned nudging me with her elbow.

"She always wanted a girl so it's quite unfair." I smiled feeling my heart beat steadily, with a thin layer of sweat beginning to form on my body. "But you'll always be her baby boy. I think it's adorable...my mother liked Admir. He was a mommas boy. He'll never admit it of course." She breathed, falling a little behind me.

"I'm not a mommas boy." I retorted with a scoff. She hummed, stopping in her tracks. I turned back to face her and came to a halt. "You keep telling yourself that." She smiled before walking up to me. "Can I invite Fabi to our wedding? His sister too I guess." She asked placing her hands onto her hips, making me stare down at her body. She didn't care when I stared, in fact she liked it.

"Why the fuck do you want to invite him for?" I grumbled with distaste. The man was the boss of the Russian mafia. Not a bad man just generally fucking annoying. I looked up at Lira to see her staring at me, looking unimpressed. "Number one, he's my friend even though he isn't yours. Number two, it's important to keep him close to have somewhat an alliance with him. Number three, it's my wedding too and if you want to fuck me on our wedding night, you'll agree." She grinned, counting off the points on her fingers. I pushed out my hand and covered her fingers.

"Fine. But what does he have that I don't." I huffed, crossing my arms. She grinned and ran her finger along my arm, her head tilted. "Someone's jealous." She teased. "I'm not. I just don't get why you would be friends with a man like that." I said my face remaining blank. She chuckled lightly. "Someone's definitely jealous. Do you know want to know why?" She walked around me and took a few steps. "You see he's got muscles in all the right places. And his voice, that deep richness, drives me fucking crazy." She said. Fucking hell she's teasing me.

"Lira." I stated as I stared at her walking away from me. "And those lips of his. His jaws." She continued and started to break out into a light jog. I chuckled and chased after her.

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