27 - Intoxicated

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I was dreaming. About Lira walking down the aisle. Seeing her dressed in white. I was dreaming about her laughing, her dark hair flowing behind her as she ran to me. She grabbed my hands and I felt my knees go weak. My arms were like jelly and the smile I had on was so fucking wide it was unrealistic. I was dreaming beautifully. It was like magic.

Until my body was hit with freezing cold water and chunks of ice. I gasped and shot upright in my soaking wet bed, the water chilling me. Raf was standing over me, a wide grin on his face and a bucket in his hands. "You mother fucking dipshit." I growled wiping my face with my hands. He only laughed and tossed the bucket aside. I heard my dad laughing, he too being in the room.

I glared at Raf but he was too busy now going through my wardrobe. "We have approximately five hours to get drunk because Enzo, you're not getting married without going to a club as a single man." He grinned trudging back to me with a shirt and trousers in his hands. I stared at Dad, my shoulders slumping. Instead of protesting which wouldn't work, I showered and changed.

When I walked into the living room, I saw everyone staring at me. Uncle Kaden, dad, uncle Mariano, Ramsay, Admir, Asim. Esad was also here as well as some of my friends. Raf grinned walking up to me, placing his arm around my shoulder. "Tonight my brother is a free man so let's get out there and get fucking drunk. Let's give him a send off." Raf grinned before ruffling my hair. I shook him off me.

We all drove in four different cars to a club. Women, alcohol, smoking and a shit ton of fun was about to go down. I was well aware that Asim was with us. I know that Lira would protest to him being here with us but he was stolen of a childhood, so he knew about many things already. And besides, Admir was here to keep an eye on the boy.

The club almost fell silent with most faces turning to us, their eyes dragging, assessing us. It would be more fun if Lira was here. She was phenomenal. I missed her a great deal. A whole week of not seeing her, touching her, kissing her, it made me want her more.

Some days I am busy with work or I've gone out for business so I hardly see her but I would always sleep in the same bed as her when night fell. My bed was now full with her in it. When I do see her, it will be tomorrow when she does walk down the aisle towards me. To forever be mine. No matter how much she loves me, I love her more. She was perfect for me in every way. She knew the mafia. She wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty.  She commanded respect and knew how to survive. She would never be my downfall but my greatest strength.

She never wanted more of me, never expected more. If I went away for business, she understood. She never questioned my motives but she did challenge me a great deal. And I needed that. Someone rational to listen to. Someone whom I fully trusted to help me. My mafias took a lot out of me but in the time that I've known her, she's helped me. She's helped my family. She saved Isabella, throwing herself in front of a bullet to save her. She saved Emily for Mara. There's nothing she wouldn't do for my family, our family.

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