11 - Racing

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It's been a week now and my poor little Enzo was now much better. His bruises have almost all fully healed. His busted lip was also better which meant I could kiss him. And not softly. His arm, the one that had a deep cut, although he thought it wasn't that bad, was also now much better. I was glad. I was so worried when I saw him. He looked so tired and beaten. I could only imagine how much blood there was. He told me everything about what had happened and I wished he let me go with him. Maybe I could have helped. But it was his favor that Fabi called in. I knew that nothing would happen to him. I wasn't scared. He's amazing. No wonder why Admir likes him.

Raphael was also now much better, the poor thing. He was also painted in black and blue bruises. His face was now much nicer to look at. If I think about it, they're both handsome men. But I've always found Enzo attractive. I've only had eyes for him. Raphael was just like a brother to me. He was less serious than Admir for sure. Admir had too much on his shoulders at such a young age and on top of that, he had to raise me and I was an utter bitch.

I stood outside, the beautiful warm air surrounded me. I loved it here in Italy. It was so peaceful and it just felt like a holiday. A never ending one. I had my white tank top tucked into my jeans, a belt across my waist. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, leaving a couple of hairs loose to frame my face. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and texted 'bello'. Not a second later my phone rang. "Yes bello. I'm going out with your parents. Just racing. What are you doing? Okay bye." I smiled. The idiot makes me smile all too easily.

"You ready?" Alessia asked me. She strutted towards me, her enviable figure dressed in a T-shirt with balmain written across it in some sort of fancy font. Her dark jeans were ripped at the knees and her honey highlighted brunette hair was loose in waves. Enzo's mother was more of a mother to me than my own was. My mother cared about me, she did. But not enough to stay, not enough to fight for Admir and me. Alessia would fight to the ends of the earth for Enzo. He's so lucky. I'm so lucky that I get to be a part of his family.

I smiled and nodded. I slipped my phone back into my pocket, it barely going in all the way because of the stupid way women's jeans were made. "What are we waiting for?" I asked her. She chuckled and folded her arms. "Since we're going out racing, Ace is choosing the car. You know he loves his cars. And me, well I'm known for wrecking them. Don't tell him this, but sometimes I do it on purpose just to piss him off." She shrugged her shoulders.

"We could use one of Enzo's cars." I smiled, hearing the roar of an engine making it way over to us. A very powerful engine. "No no it's fine. You know it's just so weird seeing Ace and Vicenzo. They're similar in some ways. I like having you here Lira. Our house needs some more girls because otherwise it would just be me with all these idiots." She replied.

She liked me. She liked having me here. I felt so at home.

Ace pulled up with a car and I heard Alessia gasp. "What the fucking fuck. You're going to let her drive this?! No offence Lira. But you never let me drive this." Alessia grumbled looking down at the matte back bodied car. Ace stepped out, in a casual black T-shirt with dark jeans. He tried to hold back a smile but failed miserably upon seeing his wife glaring at him.

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