25 - Tulle and diamonds

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It's almost time for our wedding. I can't believe it. Shit. I feel so jittery and nervous it's making me want to take a wee every hour. I can't imagine it when I actually walk down the aisle, to see him standing there. He might cry which will definitely make me cry and I'll probably fart knowing me.

I haven't even chosen a wedding dress yet. The wedding planner has been breathing fire again but it's my wedding. I have looked online for hours. But I don't know whether I want lace or no arms. Backless or princess type. Fuck. Enzo has been entirely useless when I've asked him for advice. He likes everything and Raphael, he told me to walk down naked. Admir also hadn't a clue. I did go home again to see him and Asim. Both boys couldn't understand why I was so flustered over a dress.

When I had open brochures all over his desk, Admir lost his shit and pointed at a dress just to get rid of me. I whined of course. He picked the most puffiest dress which wouldn't flatter my figure at all. Ridiculous.

So I did the best thing I could think of. I called Alessia. She was thrilled that I asked her for help. I also called Sadina, Mara and Emily. I didn't have a lot of women company growing up so I had to figure out things on my own. But now I did, I had a beautiful mother in law who treated me like a daughter so I wanted her to be involved. I couldn't imagine how she felt, raising her son and now he was getting married.

It did bring me a lot of pressure. I didn't want to ever break his heart and neither his parents. I wanted this. I love him so much and I can't wait to actually be his wife.

We walked into the second dress shop in Dubai. We all especially flew out here to find a dress. I was definitely tired as fuck but I didn't complain. I needed to find the right dress. To be honest I didn't know what I wanted. I would have worn my mother's dress but I didn't know where it went. I'm assuming father ripped it up and burned it.

I stepped into the softly lit shop, seeing the high ceiling and beautifully decorated area. Flowers sat in vases atop little tables in every corner and there were floor to ceiling mirrors at the far end. A few dresses were on display, beautiful whites with trimmed lace and long veils. It smelt subtly of freshly picked roses.

A slim lady, her blonde hair being pulled into a tight up do, walked over to us with a big smile. She carried a clipboard and her small heels pattered softly against the wooden floor. "Good evening ladies. Welcome to the Contessa. I'm Celine. How may I help you? Are you looking for a dress? We have many to choose from, with hundreds of labels to suit any budget." She beamed looking everyone over.

"Yes I need a dress." I smiled. Hopefully I can find one here and then I can go to sleep. My wedding planner, an equally slim lady, pushed to the front and greeted Celine. "I'm Alex and this is my bride to be, Lira. We're searching for a dress." She explained. Celine nodded and eagerly led us through to the second floor.

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