45 - Elated

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Dad smiled at me but didn't bother asking about the appointment because mom would tell him later

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Dad smiled at me but didn't bother asking about the appointment because mom would tell him later. They always told each other everything. "Apparently Mariano is bringing a plus one again. This time I don't know who she is. Even your mom doesn't know who it is and so you can imagine her frustration about that." Dad informed, idly smoothing out his sleeve.

"Oh for fucks sake. Didn't you tell him not to? It was supposed to be a family dinner." I lamented, aware that I sounded like a child. He was my dad after all. He's changed my diapers, seen me throw tantrums and seen me utterly blackout drunk. Dad folded his arms and shrugged his shoulders. "I did tell him. Don't worry about it, I'm sure your mom will get rid of her."

I'm sure she would. I didn't want a random woman knowing. It was only a matter of time until everyone would find out since it would become outright obvious but the mafia was a dangerous world, I didn't want anything to happen. Not to Lira, not to our baby.

I combed my hair back with a hand and sighed heavily. "What the fuck am I supposed to say to Isabella? You know she'll ask. Lira said it was much easier telling Asim since..well...he knows but Isabella." I shook my head.

"You don't say anything. You run. I mean why can't her dad tell her." Dad pinched the bridge of his nose. "Her dad just wants to protect her. It's understandable but I mean Lira has basically trained her on how to use a gun." I stood up and heard the sounds of people arriving.

"Exactly." Dad muttered and greeted Ramsay who walked into the room along with KC. Ramsay was clean cut in a suit, his short brown curls bouncing, with KC being in a dress that looked like a shirt, a thick belt wrapped around her waist. "Hey Enzo. How's it going?" KC asked, smiling at me, her dark blonde hair in a plait. She was always like an aunty to me.

"Good I gu-" I was cut off by shouting coming from outside. We all looked at one another and went to investigate.

In the buttery evening light, I could make out Raf standing by the door and Lira beside him. They were watching the scene before them as if it were a drama. Mom was arguing with uncle Mariano. "Just send her away. It's a family meal." Mom gritted to a bored looking uncle Mariano.

He simply shrugged his broad shoulders and grabbed the girls waist he had beside him. "She's my plus one Alessia. What's the big deal?" He rolled his eyes which was bound to piss mom off. It always did. They began to bicker back and forth now in Italian. Raf was whispering to Lira what was being said and we all just watched them argue for a while. It was entertainment at it's finest.

After a while of insults being thrown with mom calling uncle Mariano a man whore and a bitch, and with uncle Mariano calling her a shit eater who had a stick shoved up her ass. They finally calmed down when uncle Kaden turned up with his family. It wasn't wise for anyone to fight in front of Isabella.

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