19 - Night out

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"You're going to get tattoos." Mara stared at us all. Raf pulled on his leather jacket over his white T-shirt and ruffled his hair back. Lira pulled her dark jeans up slightly before rocking on her heels. I sighed and rolled my shoulders, my back feeling tense.

"Well yes. Isn't that okay for us to do?" I raised a brow at her. She narrowed her eyes, with Emily staring at us like we're all insane. I suppose we did a lot of things irrationally and spontaneously. "That isn't some sort of talk for doing weed or threatening someone is it?" Mara folded her arms.

I sighed, almost rolling my eyes. "When have I ever done weed and no seriously we're only getting tattoos." I stepped back and pulled out my car keys. She hummed but it was Emily who spoke up. "Can we come? I mean if it's okay with you. I'd like some air." She smiled before looking at Lira. "Yeah sure come." Raf gestured to the door.

Mara was a little hesitant to come at first but she agreed only because Emily wanted to go out. I think the girl was still a little nervous. Maybe she wanted to stick with us but even if we all left, home would be completely safe with all the guards. Still I didn't mind.

After a short drive, we walked into the little shop. Raf and I's favorite. The shop was large and spacious, with brown laminate flooring. The black painted walls were full of hung up paintings and magazines. The man inside stilled when he saw us but smiled when he remembered we paid him big tips. He was in the middle of doing a tattoo on a man's calf. It looked like some sort of bull.

Raf immediately took a seat in the waiting area. Lira sat down beside him, putting her feet up on the little coffee table. She picked up a magazine full of tattoo designs and started to flick through it. Mara and Emily slowly slinked in, not being used to the place. The tattooist began to stand up.

"Don't. Finish the tattoo. We have time." I told him and he sat back down, continuing to draw the bull. Emily and Mara had sat down beside Lira. "You have any tattoos?" Lira asked Emily. She shook her head. "Oh God no. My mom would freak."

"Well you could get one and she would never know. He's talented. Look." She pulled at Raf's arm and tugged his jacket sleeve over his wrist to expose his ink. The girl has already seen Raf's tattoos very clearly. Raf snatched his hand back. "No I couldn't. Looks like it would hurt too much." Emily flustered, fiddling with the hem of her T-shirt. "It doesn't." Raf shrugged.

Once the tattooist was finished, he happily did Raf's. He prepped his skin, with Raf choosing to have some kind of a wolf on his back, in the little space across his left shoulder blade. Lira still couldn't convince Emily or Mara to get a tattoo so instead she took a piece of paper and started to doodle. I knew she liked art so it was just fascinating to watch her draw. She concentrated and bit the pen every so often with a little crease between her brows.

We all talked while Raf got his tattoo done. I could tell that Emily was amazed that Raf hardly flinched when getting his done. The machine hummed lowly and the day drew closer to its end. "What do you think?" Lira asked me, holding her sheet of paper up. I grabbed it and looked at the little butterfly she had designed. It was intricate, it's wings filled with little roses. "Beautiful." I smiled.

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