52 - Dashuria ime

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The hottest thing about Lira was the fact that she traipsed around our bedroom in very very tiny underwear

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The hottest thing about Lira was the fact that she traipsed around our bedroom in very very tiny underwear. Her hormones were all over the place and she's been extremely warm blooded lately. I found it particularly enjoyable watching her walk around practically naked, my mouth probably salivating, but it was also a shame because she didn't want to cuddle at night. I was apparently too warm for her now but even still, some nights she would pull a throw over herself.

It had been a week since Raf visited his moms grave. I knew it was always hard for him. He was only a boy when she died and I couldn't ever imagine what he faced and what he carries in his heart. It was tough for him. He always got emotional and so did I.

When he was younger, he understood everything. How his mom had slipped away one night, how he got a dad and us. I just felt awful for him, not pity, he would hate that. So the day when he would visit his mom, every year without fail, I'd stay with him during the night. We would talk and talk until eventually he would fall asleep. He would fall asleep either in my bed or I would fall asleep in his. It wasn't ever strange, I'd always want to be there for him.

The first two years after his moms passing, he would cry himself to sleep every night and so I vowed to stay with him. Even now, I want him to know I'd always be there. I'm so thankful that Lira understands and she never bothered when she awoke to find Raf sleeping beside her. I could never leave him alone, not on his moms death anniversary.

I rolled over to my side and watched Lira, I looked at the curve of her freckle peppered nose and her angular yet full feminine jawline. She breathed slowly through a partly open mouth, her eyes being heavily closed. If we had a girl, she would be beautiful just like her. Lira was incredibly sick last night. She couldn't go to sleep and so she just rested her head on my chest for most of it. I held her in my arms, slowly stroking her back, it was the little comfort I could offer her. I was incredibly burnt out, not having slept much at all and I'm sure she was exhausted.

Drawing my hand out, I reached over and gently pushed some of her hair behind her ear. It was ten in the morning and I hadn't yet got up. I wanted to make sure she was all right. Early mornings were what I was used to but now, I hardly cared. Not when she was so exhausted and sick.

Her eyes fluttered open a short while later and she smiled tentatively when she saw me awake. We just lay there, looking at one another, like we often did. How lucky were we? To have found one another in a world full of people. To have found someone who knew everything about you, every awful terrible thing and not balk from it, but rather embrace it. To have found someone worth fighting for, someone who made you stronger. And soon we wouldn't have much time alone. She inhaled slowly, her eyes still very much drowsy from sleep.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked, watching pink return to her cheeks. I saw a gulp run down her throat. "I'm better." She smiled before yawning, stretching her arms a little. I yawned and sat upright. "Come on." I grinned, almost leaping up from the bed. My joints were stiff from all the laying down. I heard her sigh before she got up.

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