35 - Uneasy

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Everything ached. My back, my calves, my neck. I've already taken some painkillers but I felt sore and incredibly stiff. The stiffness got worse the longer I remained crouched atop the wooden ledge of a warehouse in complete and utter silence. The chill was making me agitated, wrapping around me, stealing my warmth away. I shivered again, the cold was mocking me. Although I was wearing a black hoodie and joggers, I felt incredibly cold.

I held onto my handgun tightly, gloved fingers almost stiff from the cold but waiting eagerly for Wayan to step into view so I could be done with this job. I wanted to go home and have a warm bath. I couldn't admit it to Enzo, how I was feeling. He would let me off the job, sending someone in my place. I knew I didn't have to do this, but I couldn't just let him down. I had to get it done. I wanted to be reliable. I wanted to prove myself a worthy part of his mafia, as his wife. All his men and women respected me greatly but I was still a foreigner. Maybe they were waiting for me to fail.

I looked down at the warehouse below me, it was shrouded in a bitter darkness, swallowing up all light. Crates lined the room recklessly, mainly empty but some contained machinery and car parts. Nothing too expensive.

I've been waiting here for twenty minutes now, for that man to arrive so I can shoot him dead.  He was really dragging out the inevitable. I shuffled quietly and glanced down at my watch. The faint moonlight shining through the broken dusty window to my left was enough light to show me the hands. Almost eleven thirty. Fuck. If he didn't arrive soon, I would have to go and hunt him down before he got on his plane.

My heart beat slowly under my bullet proof vest and I could feel the diamond necklace I wore around my neck. Just in case, just so you can protect yourself. Enzo's words rang in my head. He knew I could take care of myself that's why he wasn't afraid to give me these sorts of jobs. These jobs I could do with my eyes closed.

The crunching of twigs caught my attention and then the rhythmic footsteps of five men. I snapped my eyes towards the wide doorway and saw the men walk in, talking amongst themselves. Four of them had guns in their belts, the buckles shining when the light struck them.

The men were speaking in Italian, one of my downfalls. I caught some of their words from what Enzo has been teaching me. Drugs and the shipment was loose. It did not matter to me whatever they were saying, all I knew was that my eyes were firmly fixed on one man. The balding middle aged man who held no weapons. He wore a very expensive suit, black as the night, his shoes seemed a little too big or perhaps his knee was broken. Reconstructed I think. The way he walked, as if it pained him.

I saw my opportunity when the men began laughing hoarsely. The silencer on my gun worked a treat, two bullets striking two men cleanly. The men fell to the ground in a slump and the rest of them began shouting, pulling out their guns. They began shooting, not at me. They hadn't know where I shot from. I shot another man and they started to shoot my way. Shit.

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