31 - She has my heart

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"Gather round." Mom chuckled, trying to get all the girls to stand together. Isabella was standing right at the very front, tall and happy as can be. "Go on then, toss it." Mom urged Lira. She gave in and picked up her bouquet. Walking to stand in front of all the girls, she turned and tossed her bouquet over her head.

Everyone began cheering and laughing. Donzel had caught it and her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, which was funny to see since her emotions never seemed to get rattled. Her eyes flickered towards Raf before she handed the bouquet to Isabella. The little girl also blushed and because she was confident as fuck, she skipped over to Admir and handed the bouquet to him. She may or may not have a little crush on him. Admir smiled gently and to Isabella's delight, he danced with her a moment.

"Technically Donzel caught it." I said to Raf who was standing beside me, champagne glass in hand. "Technically or not I don't give a fuck. She's agreed to go out on a date with me. She's agreed." He beamed. I grinned and pulled him in for a hug, patting his back. "Don't fuck it up then."

I found grandad who was sitting down at a table with Sergio keeping an eye on him. I nodded to him and he left us alone. I took a seat beside grandad and smiled. "How are you feeling grandad?" I asked noting the time. He smiled softly looking at me. "I'm just a bit tired. It's late isn't? Your wedding was beautiful. I'm proud of you Enzo."

My heart swelled at that. He was proud of me. He was happy for me. "I'm glad you could make it grandad." I smiled. He reached forward and patted my arm. "You better keep her happy otherwise..well I think it's something like happy wife happy life." He chuckled, his eyelids drooping with tiredness.

"Yes it's something like that. You want to go home grandad? Actually we're all done here I think." I looked around to see everyone looking as tired as I felt. He nodded and I called Sergio over to drop him off home.

"Congratulations Vicenzo. I wish you both all the best." Fabi said nodding at me. "Thank you." I offered him my hand to shake. He shook it, his shoulder being fully healed and as if we've known each other all our lives. I received congratulations from everyone turn by turn and slowly everyone started to leave, trickling out until it was only close family who remained.

I turned to see Lira drinking down a glass of champagne, looking blissfully unaware, her body swaying slowly. "Shall we go home now?" I asked, coming to stand behind her. She knocked back the rest of her drink and smiled. "Yes please."

We all soon arrived home in some sort of sorry states. Raf was definitely drunk and dad had to help him in. Mom was not so drunk so she showed Admir and Asim to the spare guests rooms. Mara and Emily were already up in their room.

I sighed stepping out from the car, darkness surrounded us. My body felt so fatigued, my eyes drooping, forcing me to succumb to sleep. I opened the car door for Lira but she was slumped inside unmoving. "Lira are you awake?" I asked my voice low. I could barely see her but she mumbled a yes. She pulled herself out of the car and yawned. "I'm so tired. It's been a long day."

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