41 - Albania

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It's been a month since Ace and Raphael found out that I was pregnant

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It's been a month since Ace and Raphael found out that I was pregnant. I did want to keep it to myself for a while, just between Enzo and I but now they know, they've been nothing but helpful. Well Ace has. He's been incredibly kind and brings me snacks randomly. A part of me wonders if maybe it's because Alessia was like that with her pregnancy.

Raphael has been treating me exactly the same which I love. Sometimes I wonder if he's forgotten and but when he also checks on me, I know he knows. I figure he informs Enzo about my well-being when he's out on business. I do tell him myself but maybe he doesn't quite believe me.

I just feel so loved because I have everyone doting on me, taking care of me. It's so sweet. It's sometimes unnecessary but I push that feeling down because they all just want to make sure that I'm fine. A few years ago I would have never believed that this would have been my future. A few years ago I was just a lost girl with no plans.

Mara and Emily found out when Alessia asked if I was hungry because I was eating for two and you can just imagine the shock on their faces. I just laughed because Alessia kept it as quiet as she possibly could.

I tucked the small strands of my hair behind my ears as the wind softly brushed by. I rolled up the sleeves to my sweatshirt slightly, looking at the time on my watch. I wanted to go and see Admir and Asim. I wanted to tell them the news. I'm unsure as to how they would react but I'm sure they'd be thrilled, especially Admir.

I leaned against the SUV that was going to drive me to the private plane soon. As soon as Enzo came to say goodbye. He was busy in his office and that meant he was trying to reorganise my documents. It made sense to me, I don't know why he even let me take over his office if he didn't like how I did things.

I closed my eyes, resting my head back slightly feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. Seconds later I heard footsteps and then felt a kiss on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Enzo smiling at me. He has been so good to me. I can't imagine my life without him.

He brushed back his dark wavy curls with a hand, his shirt being unbuttoned to expose the top of his chest. He ran his tongue over his lips and put his hands into his trouser pockets. "Are you nervous?" He asked, the sun casting a perfect shadow across his face, making the sharp cuts of his jaws prominent.

I pushed off the SUV and sighed, being barely inches away from him. "I was but I don't care. This baby and you are the best thing to ever happen to me." I smiled. I was aware that I had repeated the same thing before plenty of times but I liked saying it. I liked him hearing it because his cheeks would always turn a very light shade of pink.

He grinned, flashing his perfect smile, while his cheeks went pink. He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Right back at you." He leaned closer and I closed my eyes. His lips brushed mine and we kissed. When we pulled apart, I just looked into his eyes. "Remember to moisturise. I don't want you getting wrinkles."

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