16 - Vulnerable

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I didn't want to do this but Emily was in danger and she needed me. Mara broke down when I took her upstairs. She loved Emily and I know how it feels. I would lose myself I ever lost Enzo. I know what I was doing was stupid and foolish, going in alone. But it was the only way to save Emily. Fabrizio was a well known pimp, a ruthless filthy one. So he wouldn't know who I was, I was just some girl he could use and dispose of me when he felt bored.

I know Enzo was upset and so was Raphael. They couldn't do shit to stop me but they knew I was right. I know they're waiting for me and probably every second feels like torture so I needed to do this quickly and calmly.

I tugged down the pink dress I had on. I knew it was short and seductive. The way Enzo looked at me, I knew he liked it but he was angry that other men would be looking at me. I loved his protectiveness but I also loved that he knew boundaries. He respected and trusted me.

After talking to the bouncer, a large boulder of a man, I was allowed inside. My heels clacked against the floor as I made my way around. The floor was dark, the walls dark and the only lights were red. It shrouded the place in dark hues, to hide the sins of the men here. I shivered despite there being no windows open. The women would either be kept downstairs or upstairs.

I spotted a dark haired man. He was bulky with thick veiny muscles and girls hung at his sides in his booth. He wasn't the pimp, he would never show himself. But he knew the pimp because on his hand was a raven tattoo and it held a rose in it's beak. Different to what Mara had said so perhaps he was my best shot.

I walked past bodies and into the ladies bathroom. It was in a sorry state, with graffiti on the walls and old makeup on the sinks. There was one other girl inside with me and she looked worse for wear. She was positioned over the sink, her tight dress digged into her pale skin. "Are you all right?" I asked her, frowning when I saw dirty needles strewn behind the waste bin. The girl looked at me, seeing how clean and out of place I was. She didn't say anything but walked out leaving me alone. Well fuck, what's wrong with her?

I looked into the stained mirror and ruffled my hair slightly. I pinched my cheeks and slapped my face a couple of times, forcing tears to spill from my eyes. Maybe I could have become an actress in another life. Admir would have laughed at that.

Leaving the bathroom, the music blared loudly, so loud I could feel the vibrations travelling up my body. A large man crashed into me, making me yelp out in shock. "Oh shit." He mumbled an apology, holding out a hand for me. I didn't take it and walked away. Once I had got to the dance floor, I made sure to find that same man and he was still in his booth but now a girl grinded her ass on him. She seemed young. I walked over to him, sniffling and bumped into one of the men who stood around him, guarding him. The tall man growled at me, so I whimpered. "Watch it!" He threatened, his gaze steely under his thick brows.

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