44 - My half

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"Oh well I can make it up to you later." I got up and pulled off my T-shirt, being entirely naked now. I walked for the bathroom and dipped my fingers into the bathtub, the water was chilled. Turning away from that, I turned the shower on letting the water spray down until it was warm. "A massage." Lira spoke as she walked up to me, her body being as bare as mine.

Why did she always want a massage? I had other ideas, I wanted to fuck her all night until I couldn't stand. But she was probably tired. "A massage." I smiled gently before we both stepped into the shower.

A marriage is about compromise. Dads voice rang in my mind. Lira is always right so don't be fucking stupid. Moms voice rang in my mind also. Their words of wisdom did help me a great deal, especially moms. While Lira was away, she's been telling me how to behave, how not to agitate Lira. Dad just sat there listening and occasionally rolling his eyes when mom gave me advice.

After our shower, I quickly grabbed Lira a towel and was pleased to see the clothes that were warmed were on the bed. Lira happily put them on, sniffing the fabric before rolling the sleeves of the sweatshirt up a bit. "Smells nice." She shrugged her shoulders when I caught her sniffing the arm of her sweatshirt again.

She walked over to me, as I pulled down my T-shirt. She rested her head onto my chest and inhaled deeply. "You smell better." She pulled away and reached for her shoes. She winced very subtly but I saw it. I was immediately by her bent over form. "Maybe you should rest. I could call the doctor to come here."

Oh shit. I needed mom here. What do I even do?

"No it's okay I'm fine. It comes and goes. And besides, fresh air would help. I think." She gulped before straightening herself up. She talks about the pain she feels as if it's nothing. I'm always in awe of her. It must hurt her especially if she's trying to hide it from me.

Her eyes were gleaming with unshed tears but they never fell. "Sit." I ordered and she sat down onto the bed with a sigh. I picked up her shoes and kneeled down, putting them onto her feet. I wonder how it would feel to dress our baby, to change diapers. I wasn't looking forward to that part but I would try. I might even torture Raf into doing it for the fun of it.

Once I had put on her shoes and got ready, we went downstairs and into a waiting SUV. Sergio accompanied us and a young boy. Lira had briefly spoke about one of her men who was coming over but I didn't realise it was a boy of seventeen. However, now getting into the car with him, he's not a small boy at all. I could see the muscles he's acquired by training under his well fitted suit. He still looked quite young and he had a kind defined face, with brown locks to match his chestnut brown eyes.

When the car started to drive, I introduced myself to him, learning that his name was Dean. He didn't seem to be nervous at all, in fact he seemed more relaxed.

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