55 - Sick

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Enzo was busy, overworked and so he delegated some jobs to me

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Enzo was busy, overworked and so he delegated some jobs to me. I was happy and grateful that he did. Sometimes I feel like he wouldn't. But maybe it's because I'm pregnant because before he would never say no and now it's all about my safety. I love him for it I suppose, even if sometimes he was being a little teeny tiny bit overbearing.

So I was out reprimanding some employees of his. Some of them listened and backed down. But this man, this leather wearing jacketed beast, smelling of far too strong cologne. He was outright stupid. I had caught the ignorant and thoroughly annoying brute staring at my bump four times now. Four fucking times. He has no right. What the fuck is wrong with him?

I blinked my eyes slowly and rested my head on my propped up arm. "Shut up. Shut up. Every word out of your mouth is shit." I groaned. I wonder if I could just kill the man, a tiny stab with my little knife in his neck would do the job. I doubt Enzo would be pissed at me for doing so. I'd find a replacement so nothing would be wrong.

Enzo was different with me. He never shouted or raised his voice since the last incident. It was cute to see him like this. He's a good man. And I know he's being extra nice to me, going out of his way sometimes. I feel like I've won everything. If I had nothing but him, it would be more than enough. And my love for him is precisely why I won't be killing this Goddamn idiot before me. But if I hear another word out of his mouth, I'll combust.

I stood up to my feet and silenced the man, who's thick hands curled in response. I huffed a laugh. "I'm not going to hit you. But I'm too tired to deal with..whatever this is. I'll inform Vicenzo and he'll sort it out." I said waving a hand at the man, who remained seated thankfully.

I sighed and walked away from him, not looking back, not even bothering to offer a better explanation. That's the luxury of who I was, of who my husband was, of who my family were. No one, not even this idiot would dare question me.

As soon as I slipped through the doors to home, I slumped my shoulders and rolled my neck. I was sore all the time and though I should be used to it, I wasn't. Admir trained me, I did countless drills and exercises, but nothing compared to how I felt now. I was always exhausted no matter how many so called energising smoothies I drank.

Leaning down, I ungracefully pulled off my white sneakers, throwing them to the floor by the door. My bump was always in the way, it felt so unusual. Different.

A slow tapping of shoes came my way and I  didn't bother to appear as if I was completely fine. I smiled when I saw Raphael. In his hands were a bag of chips he was currently eating. He was always snacking and the only way he managed his toned physique was because he enjoyed exercising just as much. He pointed one of the crispy flakes my way. "Any trouble?" He asked before shoving it into his mouth.

I sighed and straightened myself up. "No nothing. Actually..uh what's his face. Tall, meaty fucker. Leather jacket, a scar on his chin." I tried to explain. Fuck. I couldn't even be bothered with his name. I held back a giggle, striding to where Raphael stood, his shirt being unbuttoned slightly, his phone jutting from the pocket of his black trousers.

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