10 - Worse for wear

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We arrived back at Fabi's house after two hours. The hostages were released and sent home. All the remaining civilians were taken home or placed in other hotels. Fabi paid them to keep their mouths shut and if that didn't work, he threatened them. But I doubt the people would talk. They were probably just traumatised with all the gun fire.

Raf and I were in my room. We were coated in dried blood, dirt and sweat. My muscles ached, I could feel all the bruises I had undoubtedly acquired. "Fuck me. That was some shit." Raf groaned as he tossed his guns and knives onto the bed. I began doing the same. I pulled off my gloves and flexed my hands. Raf struggled taking his vest off, so I helped him. He groaned as I unstrapped it. He pulled off his top, tossing it to the bed. He looked down at his chest. "Ah shit." He murmured. His chest was riddled with ugly looking bruises, some large and some almost black.

After taking off my vest and top, my chest was also dotted with bruises. My arms were cut in places, with streaks of blood running down. "Be honest, how ugly is it?" I asked Raf, turning so he could see my back. "Just bruises and cuts. Nothing major. Wait. There's some glass in your neck." He sighed. Fuck.

I sat down on the bed and let him pull it out. He used his fingers, it would hurt regardless, I just wanted it out. "Fuck." I gritted when he pulled out the small shard. He showed it to me. I rubbed my face, immediately regretting it. My lip stung, my cheek ached. "All right. Shower. Get dressed and let's get the hell out of here." I stood up and walked to the adjourning bathroom in my room. Raf left my room and went to his.

Under the shower, I put the water temperature down to a more cooler setting so that it wouldn't sting my wounds. I was cut in places but none were deep, expect a gash on my arm. The water ran murky, as I washed all the dirt off my skin. Standing under the shower for a good twenty minutes, I could feel my muscles strain. I left it and got dressed into a T-shirt and joggers.

Raf came into my room ten minutes later, dressed similarly. His dark hair was damp but he smelt better. Cleaner. He bandaged my arm and my neck. I applied a plaster onto his chest and two stitches just above his eyebrow. His face was much to be looked at, with his lip being busted and his jaws being bruised. Yet he called me ugly. 

We went downstairs to see Fabi taking a pill with water. He sighed. He had also washed and got cleaned up. He was shirtless, his shoulder being bandaged and his arm being in a sling. He sported a nasty black eye and was also bruised all over.

He looked up at Raf and I. "Thank you for your help. And Enzo, remind me to never get on your bad side." He chuckled quietly, drinking more water. Now I doubted it was water. Perhaps vodka. I nodded and walked up to him. I held out my hand and he shook it. "Remind me to never hand you out favors." I chuckled making him chuckle. Raf also shook his hand.

We left and headed home in a private jet. We were both exhausted so we slept the whole way. When we landed, we went straight home. My muscles were stiff and sore. The back of the leather seats in the SUV did little to help. Raf was also in a similar state. "Sergio pass me a smoke." He glanced at my guard sitting beside him. Sergio scoffed, seemingly being amused with our states.

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