49 - Indestructible

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A clatter and the sound of multiple glasses breaking snapped us out of our dazes. To the far left, someone had dropped a tray of drinks and were now having a screaming contest. Fists were about to be thrown and I sucked on my straw, mentally betting on the smaller man. Or maybe the woman with the six inch stilettos.

"Hi I'm Jana." A silken voice purred beside Raphael. I glanced at the girl, noting her fading makeup not that she needed any. She ran a hand through her deep brown hair, twirling a strand around her finger. She giggled slightly when Raphael looked her way.

"Raphael." He smiled, his gaze drifting back to the club, not even remotely interested in the girl beside him. He was so in love with Donzel and he doesn't even know it.

Jana tugged the thin strap of her mini blue dress, baring her neck and wafting her flowery perfume Raphael's way. He still wasn't interested. "Can I buy you a drink?" Jana asked him, batting her eyes. I sipped on my drink and looked back at the redhead on the pole.

I heard him sigh. "No sorry. This is my girlfriend." He put his arm around my shoulder, making me splutter my drink. I barely hid a smile and looked at Jana sympathetically. The girls shoulders dropped and she frowned. "Oh." She whispered before walking away, probably feeling a little embarrassed.

I nudged Raphael in the rib with my elbow. He removed his arm from around my shoulders  and held his side. "Ow." He glared at me. "What was that for?" He muttered.

"Stop using me to get rid of girls." I scoffed whilst rolling my eyes. He chuckled. "Well it works so shut up. Enzo thinks it's funny." He grinned and ordered another drink.

"How are we supposed to find her? There's too much space and she could even be upstairs or even downstairs." Raphael groaned, slugging back the rest of his drink. I handed him my drink and sighed. "Watch me." I smiled and headed for the doormen.

Raphael was behind me but he didn't flinch when I flirted with the doormen, digging out my best smile. When they started getting a little too excited and handsy, I manoeuvred out of their way but not before asking them about Silvia's whereabouts. Doormen knew everything, especially hot girls.

I pulled Raphael away and pointed across the room. "There." And just like that, we stalked towards the bitch who was giggling atop a man's lap. Her blonde hair was cut into a messy bob, the fringe being sparse. But there was no denying it, it was Silvia. Her lips were still that same deep red.

Raphael walked ahead of me, making sure I was behind him. Making sure his hand was ready to cut across my chest if I decided to attack. I almost wanted to smack the back of his head but I know he was only doing it to protect me from myself. But still I couldn't help the words that left my mouth.

"Fancy seeing you here Silvia." I sneered down at the girl. The man whose lap she was on was disgustingly groping her ass. Huh. I thought she was only infatuated with Enzo. The booth Silvia was at was filled with men in button down shirts and women in tiny tight dresses. Some smoked, the scent tingling under my nose. And some of them drank, wine and whiskey glasses being dabbled over the sticky looking table.

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