36 - Fuck

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I fiddled with a unlit cigarette, rolling the soft white stick between my fingers

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I fiddled with a unlit cigarette, rolling the soft white stick between my fingers. It was almost one in the morning and I wasn't even tired, just fed up and completely bored. While I was talking to some men about a bit of business, I spied Silvia across the room of the bar. She made it obvious, purposely standing in my line of sight.

I averted my attention away from her, even going so far as to turning my chair in a slight angle so I faced away from her. But that woman was nothing if not determined. I was alone here. Without Raf who could not insult her and without Lira who could not hit her. I was thankful for the men keeping me company for that's the only reason she hasn't come for me. If she could, I'm sure she would latch onto me like some sort of parasitic creature. 

I looked down at my left hand to see the black ring on my finger. It reminded me of Lira so much and I just longed to go home but mom practically pushed me out of the house, telling me to fuck off and do something. She said she wanted the house to herself so I could only assume that she wanted some alone time with dad. When I realised that, I raced off, not looking back.

Lira was acting strange recently. She just seemed not like herself and when I mentioned that she still had to take our Wayan, it seemed like she didn't want to. Maybe her heart wasn't in it or maybe she was tired. I could have told her not to bother with Wayan, I could have got someone else to take care of it for me, but I knew she wouldn't like that.

She was determined to prove herself. Maybe to me. I wasn't sure. She never had to prove herself to me. I just wanted her to be happy doing whatever she wanted and so perhaps Wayan was a distraction for her. She seemed like her mind was preoccupied but I never pushed her. She could tell me when she was ready. Whatever was on her mind, I would listen. And if it bothered her, I would find a way to fix it somehow.

I looked up to see Silvia smiling venomously at me from her seat at the bar, her lips painted a bright red. I looked away and back at the man to my left. He was a thin man with long wiry legs and the other was built like he lived in the gym. They chatted to me while sipping on their drinks of whiskey and occasionally puffing on their cigarettes. They noticed Silvia immediately lurking around, they knew how much I disliked her.

I picked up my glass of whiskey and took a small sip, the liquid easily sliding down my throat. I still needed to take care of that doctor. I still needed to do a lot of things. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed thinking about things. The men chatted mainly amongst themselves, knowing that I was thinking.

I felt my phone vibrate atop the wooden table and I grabbed it, seeing Lira's name on the screen. She had successfully killed Wayan. I knew she would but damn, she left things so last minute. I didn't reply, instead I sent a text to Sergio, letting him deal with the bodies at the location Lira sent me.

My eyes briefly glanced up from my phone and Silvia had vanished. Thank fuck. I held back a smile as I shook the men's hands and left them. Or rather they left me. Mom told me not to come back tonight, again that was strange but I didn't question it. So I paid for a hotel room. I walked out of the hotels in house bar, into the main lobby, walking over to the elevator.

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