42 - Unbelievable

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Admir went out for some business and Asim remained home to do some school work in his room

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Admir went out for some business and Asim remained home to do some school work in his room. He said he had a lot to catch up on but I figured he wanted to expand on his hacking skills. Admir wasn't too keen on the idea of Asim doing that whereas I encouraged it. It's a pretty cool skill.

I didn't have to tell them both to keep my pregnancy to themselves, they knew. I didn't want everyone to know because that would put a target on my head. I was Enzo's wife but now that I carried his child, people could possibly want to hurt him through me. While I don't doubt my abilities to keep myself safe, I can more than handle myself. I was afraid.

Admitting that made me feel somewhat pathetic. Because I was raised to be ruthless and cold blooded. But I was scared for my safety. I had marks and faint scars across my abdomen from previous injuries and fighting. Now all I can think about was, what if I got hurt? What if my baby got hurt? I don't think I could cope.

Silvia scared me. That girl didn't even know I was pregnant but I fear if she did, she would have definitely hurt me. The moment I turned and saw Enzo gripping her wrist so tight, bruises began to form, all I could see was the knife in her hand, inches away from my stomach. I kept having nightmares about that. Enzo didn't know. But I constantly dreamt of Enzo not being there, the knife plunging though me like I was made of paper. I never feared for my life but only our baby's.

I decided to go and take a peek at Admir's office while he wasn't home. Just to see what he had been up to. At the door of his office was my favourite guard. He was my favourite because he bended to my will more than any of Admir's other guards. I smiled at the young boy of only seventeen. His brown eyes lit up, a grin spreading on his face as he acknowledged me. "Hey Lira." He waved being informal as ever.

"Hi Dean." I smiled before tilting my head at the boy. "You've done something to your hair haven't you?" I asked with amusement before walking around him, grabbing the sleek door handle to Admir's office. "Yeah I've cut it." He shrugged.

I pushed open the door that Dean was supposed to be guarding and walked in. The heavy sent of musk and smoke lingered in the air. Somehow it eased my aching stomach. "You're not really supposed to be in here. Admir will take me off guard duty and I'll have to clean up bodies instead." Dean sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Relax. I won't let him put you on body duty." I rolled my eyes, walking over to the desk. I ran my hands across it, stopping at a pile of stapled documents. "How will you do that? He'll just put me on body duty and I can't do that. I hate the smell." Dean lamented, now slumping into one of the seats in front of the desk.

"Shut up. You've got to have more faith in me. Admir will do anything for me." I winked at him, before plopping down into Admir's chair. I shuffled around warming the leather up with my body heat. I pulled open one of the drawers and grabbed out a stack of documents.

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