62 - Happy

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The warm grains of soft sand hugged my toes as I sat on the beach, the sun beating down

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The warm grains of soft sand hugged my toes as I sat on the beach, the sun beating down. A cool breeze fluttered towards me from the sea across, the sunshine rippling off it's clear calm surface.

Ruffling my hair back, I replaced the baseball cap on my head, blocking out the light from hitting my eyes.

A happy giggle sounded from my right, turning to look, Thiago sat on a small blanket, happily playing with the sand, although I'm pretty sure he's eaten some of it. Being two, he was very very energetic and playful, never wanting to sit still for too long.

A gust of ocean wind careened past, fluttering his short dark hair. He giggled again and my heart leaped. He was my baby.

He grabbed another fistful of sand, shaking it everywhere. His dark eyes darted to me and I smiled widely, the smile only reserved for him. "You're such a good boy but can you please stop eating the sand." I reached behind me and grabbed a rubber toy which looked like keys. I shook them which made his eyes light up. Handing them to him, he began chewing on the keys, like Masiela, who we left at home today.

I turned back to the water, seeing Lira splashing in it waist deep, throwing a inflatable ball towards Raf. He hit it, tossing it towards Donzel who had come with us. It's truly amazing that he decided, and her, to give things a go and they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Raf had already doted after Donzel, stealing a diamond for her which impressed her so much that she let him stay over at her house. Sometimes.

Donzel laughed, her dark hair slick to her back. And I was glad that she was happy. She said she always was happy with her own company but hadn't realised what it meant to have someone. And Raf was the most genuine down to earth man you could possibly find.

Hooking one ankle over the other, I picked up the book I was reading, something Lira had suggested. It was no surprise to me that it was a web of tangled bodies fucking every other chapter amidst a very thrilling plot. My phone rang, disturbing me. I sighed, answering the video call.

"Hello Admir." I greeted, seeing his face on the screen. He smiled, his lips tugging. We made friendly conversation before I placed the phone in front of Thiago. He babbled away, blowing bubbles of spit. "Hey little lion. I miss you. Do you miss your favourite uncle?" He chatted whilst Thiago shook his toy about, not understanding anything.

"Of course he misses his uncle. Why don't you come over soon? The week after next we'll be in America though. You're welcome to visit whenever you want." I smiled. Maybe he would babysit and I could take Lira out, just me and her, some food, some drink and I'll book a hotel room for later. It would be Thiagos first time on a plane and it could go either way. He might be good as gold or he might scream all the way.

We ended the call a while later and before I could continue with my book, I saw everyone getting out of the water. I whistled at seeing my wife, seeing the water dripping of her barely covered body. She pulled her hair back, adjusting the straps of her black bikini. She turned and posed, laughing as she did.

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