37 - Fight

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She was looking at me with tears in her eyes, her lips quivering

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She was looking at me with tears in her eyes, her lips quivering. Her pale fists were clenched tightly at her sides. She shivered and a gulp ran down her throat. She was always vulnerable around me and right now I felt like a complete bastard.

"Lira please I can explain." I uttered not sure how exactly to begin. I just wanted to make sure she was all right. I just wanted to stop her tears. Stepping closer to her, water dripped off my hair, my body feeling numb. She snapped her gaze away from me and pressed the button to the elevator hastily. "Lira please talk to me. It's not..she was there and-" I stopped mid sentence when she glared at me.

"Just shut up! Leave me alone." She snapped, her jaws were clenched tight but there was a wobble to her voice. She had every right to be angry at me. But I wanted to make her understand. I love her and I can't stand seeing her like this. Before I could say anything else, the elevator doors pinged open and she rushed inside, furiously clicking the button to close the doors.

I promised to always chase her.

Before the doors could close fully, I slapped my hand in between them, making them open again. I stepped into the small elevator, making Lira step back. "Let me explain please." I spoke softly. My hand reached up for her cheek but she backed away.

"Explain what? She was all over you and you were practically naked. Were you fucking her?"  She stared daggers at me. At least she was talking to me now. The elevator doors pinged closed and it started to travel up slowly. The confined space made every sound seem louder, the tension was only so much more raw.

"No. I'd never fuck her. I'd never cheat on you. Do you believe I would do that? I would never." I bit my tongue, my teeth grinding anxiously. She huffed a laugh and flung her arms into the air, turning away from me. "She was still all over you, with those cheap tacky nails and her pushed up bra. Why her Enzo? Why was she there? It could have been any other girl. But it was her. That's what hurts me."

She faced away from me and grabbed the metal railing along the sides of the elevator. "Why her?" She sniffed, her head being bowed, her voice cracking. I gulped, my arms slackening to my sides. Why did it have to be her? She was right. "She was just there. At the hotel and after I went to my room, I had a shower and she broke into my room." I said.

"And then she just happened to be on top of you." Lira husked a hallow laugh. She turned around to face me and inhaled sharply while shivering. "She pushed me onto the bed, I would never do that to you." I gulped, trying to wet my dry mouth. "Let's just get you warm and we'll talk." I tilted my head and reached out for her hands. She snatched her hands away from mine, shaking her head.

"But it was her Enzo. You don't get it. I was coming to see you because..and she was all over you. And you were..and she. Why her? You know I hate her. I fucking hate her and I left because I would have killed her. I had my knife in my pocket, it would have taken me three seconds to slit her fucking throat but I couldn't do that because it'll only cause problems and we have enough as it is." She rushed out her voice being uneven and strained.

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