28 - Breathless

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I was beyond breathless. My nerves were sky high. I was never an anxious person but I could feel it prickling under my skin. In two hours and thirty minutes I'm about to say I do. Less than three hours. Fuck. I can't wait to see him. I've missed him so much and just seeing him, I know I'll be a mess, a total waterfall of a mess. I'll try not to.

I stared into the mirror, looking at myself. I was almost ready. My makeup was flawlessly done. I decided to keep it very natural and minimal. Only subtle eyeliner and a bit of pink on my cheeks. I left my freckles bare, letting them show. He likes them. I picked up a napkin and patted my lips which were colored a natural shade, similar to my blush. The makeup artist commented on how it made my eyes pop. I liked it even though I liked darker colors more.

I was helped into my dress by Alex who was ensuring everything was going to plan. I think she was with me solely because I was more likely to lead her plans astray.

Alessia was also here. She said she wanted to help and I was so grateful. She was just like a mother to me. How mine might have been on my wedding day. She helped me into my dress, not commenting on my choice of underwear. It was something simple so not exactly raunchy. The dress pinched at my waist and it was even more beautiful than I remembered. The fabric, although adorned with diamonds, was soft and fitted me perfectly.

Goosebumps dotted my bare arms, more so from nerves than anything else. Alessia was complimenting how beautiful the dress was and how I chose the right one. Her fingers slipped down and she slowly zipped up the hidden zip.

The sunlight beamed into the room, making the diamonds sparkle and I turned around to look at her. "You look beautiful." She smiled, her own face being subtly made up. She straightened out her navy dress which looked so elegant on her. It definitely made her blue eyes shine. "Thank you." I replied trying to keep my heart controlled. It pounded away. I didn't sleep when we flew in, I couldn't. I was awake with nerves. I went over my vows again and again hoping that I could somehow convey how my heart felt, but I don't think there were any words that could tell how I felt.

My hair was done, it was also kept simple in a half up and half down style. It was curled to perfection and I almost cried when Alessia handed me a black velvet box. Inside was a tiara. One of hers. One she has never worn but she wanted me to wear. It was a simple band with intricate weaving, small diamonds and flowers. It looked mythical almost ethereal. I didn't ask her the price of it, because knowing her, it would be costly. She just placed it atop my head, the silver tiara complimenting the dress.

"Now do you want the veil or not? We have to go soon to get there on time." Alex rushed. She wasn't being rude, she was just being the right amount of pushy. She looked at her watch to signify the importance. I nodded. "I talked to Enzo. He said he didn't mind but I think he would like it." I smiled softly and Alessia nodded.

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