58 - Till death do us part

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Despite being at a beautiful candlelit restaurant, with snow white roses everywhere, crystal chandeliers hanging from the roof and the soft lull of music

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Despite being at a beautiful candlelit restaurant, with snow white roses everywhere, crystal chandeliers hanging from the roof and the soft lull of music. The only thing I could focus on was my husband sat across from me. He still looks exactly like when I first met him all those years ago. And all those years ago, I wasn't even going to give him a chance. Not with his cocky arrogant smirking. But he's the best thing to ever happen to me and I wouldn't change a single thing.

He poked at his tender steak with a fork, his dark brows and eyes focused, before he slipped a piece into his mouth. When he caught me watching, his lips curled into a smile. Such a big fucking softie.

I cleared my throat and picked up my glass of red wine, the colour matching the very definitely not modest dress I had on. When I placed my glass down, I looked back at Ace and smiled. "Don't you just want to rip my dress off?"

He coughed, choking on air and drank a sip of his wine to calm down. I would have thought he would have been used to me by now. "Alessia." He licked his lips, putting his glass down. "We were just talking about Mariano and you suddenly just announce that." He snorted but I didn't miss the glimmer of desire that crossed his eyes.

"Yeah well I'm bored. Let's skip dessert." I grinned, my red painted lips pulling wide. I know I've gotten a few lines around my eyes and maybe I'm not pretty enough but I hope I still am for him. His eyes glinted before he leaned back in his chair. "You're the only one skipping dessert because you are my dessert."

I laughed at his corny ass joke making him laugh. When we stopped laughing and after we finished our meal, I stood up, grabbing my purse and pushed it towards him. He took it and didn't object when I paid for the meal.

The sky was dark outside, dark enough that his car was bathed in it. He eagerly slipped into the beast and I took a seat beside him, trying not to be aroused by how he drove. "Don't put your feet on the dash parasite." He muttered. I was used to hearing it so I didn't bother removing my feet, not when my short dress rode up my thighs giving him an eyeful which was exactly what I intended.

"What do you think about Sebastian huh?" I asked changing the topic whilst fiddling with my nails. "Hmm." He hummed, taking a turn smoothly. "You know with him having a girlfriend. She's young isn't she? She looks like she's twenty." I gossiped.

"She probably is twenty." He scoffed and rolled his eyes as if it was the most absurd thing he's ever heard. I turned to face him, seeing how the passing light from street lamps lit up his strong stubbled jawline, how his Adam's apple bobbed gently. "Would you ever go for someone that young?" I asked.

He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel as he thought about it. "I don't know. Probably." He shrugged. I smiled. "I would."

He pouted like a cute little baby, wiping away that mask full of male dominance, and I laughed. "No no I wouldn't! Not when I have you. The most sexist man alive." My smile probably reached my eyes because when he smiled, it made me weak. He tilted his head slightly and I knew what it meant. What he meant. So I leaned forward even more because I had no seatbelt on to restrict me and I planted a kiss on his cheek. I've lost count of the number of times I've kissed that very spot.

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