23 - Grandad

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It was a day later that Lira felt like herself. I might have gone too hard but she said she loved every bit of it so I don't know what to believe. Of course I enjoyed it immensely when she tied my hands up and teased me ever so slowly. It was her birthday present but somehow it felt like mine.

"Piss the fuck off. Give it back." Lira exasperated as she watched Raf practically inhale her grilled cheese. "Actually I'm pretty full." She smiled making him roll his eyes. She browsed through her phone, with it being on the counter. I was sat beside her eating my own lunch. On the phone screen was pictures of different colored flowers. She scrolled through them with a concentrated look.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I sipped on my glass of water. She ruffled her semi straight hair. "Choosing flowers. The wedding planner has been on my back about it. I told her I didn't care besides I thought white was the traditional option. But she sent me all these pictures. Roses, dahlias and lilies. I'm so confused and then when I joked saying I was wearing a black dress, she was mortified. I don't know, which ones do you like?" She pushed the phone towards me.

"Come on. You know I don't give a shit about the flowers." I rubbed my face. "Well yes but I've got to choose otherwise the woman will burn me alive." She bit her lip, scrolling through the options again. "Oh wait! You got me red roses when we first met." She smiled and began to type on her phone. "Alex is going to be so pissed I didn't choose any of her options." She chuckled quietly.

"Oh shit. Donzel said she's coming to dinner tonight. I need to buy her some flowers. Red roses huh." Raf grinned, fumbling with his phone in his hand. "Red roses definitely. Oh make sure you get the chef to make something good." Lira smiled at him and then her eyes went wide when she looked down at her screen. She looked up at me. "Asim texted me. Apparently Admir has been sneaking in a woman."

"And." I tilted my head at her. "And it's the same woman. Admir never fucks the same woman twice and even then rarely. He's too busy. So this means that he actually likes this woman. I'll ask Asim to send me a picture of her." She grinned giddily. I don't know exactly why she was that happy about it.

She then went on to explain how it would be nice if Admir found someone because she wanted that for him. She wanted someone for him to share the burden with. She then said how Admir never wanted a relationship because he was scared of love because deep down he was afraid to lose someone. What Admir did or didn't do wasn't any of my concern so if Lira wanted to meddle she could but on her own.

Raf walked beside Lira as they talked about the next movie we would watch. "How about scream?" Lira asked, her heeled boots clicking against the ground. "That's so predictable. What about Anna. It's about an assassin. Won't that be funny to watch." Raf chuckled, tousling back his hair. I scoffed and held the door open of the SUV for Lira. "You only want to watch that because Anna's hot." I remarked. He didn't deny it.

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