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Lexs pov

"Beauty queen of only 18 she. Has some trouble with herself. He was always there to help her. She always belong to someone else-" I moan and turn Off my alarm with a bit of difficulty due to the bandages. I slowly sit up and stretch and look around the room. I notice that where I was punching is covered in dried blood. I look at the time, we have 4 hours before our flight leaves so I get up. Fill a bucket with soap and hot water and grab a sponge and a cloth then go over to the wall and start scrubbing, I don't care it's tuning the bandages. I can't have anyone knowing what happened last night.

After an hour of scrubbing I finally get it all off then dump the water, put the bucket back and that off my bandages and throw them out to examine my hands.i move my fingers too.

Both hands have cuts on four knuckles, on both hands theirs bruises on three knuckles, pointer, middle, and ring fingers. The swelling on the left hand is more then on the right, it's not really a bad pain to move them. They're just a little sore.

I hop in the shower quickly without any music and wash myself and hair once again. It only takes 20 minutes, when I get out I dry off get dressed, do my hair and makeup. I try to make it as good as possible! I put on a necklace, earrings, and a clump of bracelets.

After that I Re-bandage both hands, pack my bag, put on shoes and a hat then go into my old room to wake up the boys. To my surprise they're already up and Dressed for once! Sam is pulling on a sweater and Kian's fixing his hair in the mirror. Kian is wearing black jeans with a police shirt and Sam's wearing a shirt that says "Suns out guns out" with shorts that I have to say, make his booty look even bigger! I giggle a little "you guys ready yet?!" I smile and they nod kian says "yeah we just have to pack a couple things- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!?" He says looking down at my hands and then I drop my bag and hide my hands behind me "nothing... Okay well something but it doesn't matter. They're fine but..." Think.. Think! "I found this thing on tumblr and it said if you put Vaseline on your feet with socks on it'll make your feet soft so I wanted to try it on my hands but I don't have gloves so I used bandages!" I say and smile Sam shakes his head "you girls are so weird" he laughs and I force a giggle out.

Ten minutes later we are putting our stuff in the car waiting for my mom. Ryder comes out with the keys and gives them to me "mom says you can drive as long as you take me and everyone else will meet us there" I say "there's still two hours until we board the plane ssssoooo.... LETS GO DRIFTING!!" I squeal and jump in the drivers side, Sam gets in the passenger side while kian and Ryder get in the back "seat belts everybody!" I say and click mine. I turn the car on and there's classical music playing so I take the cord and plug in my phone and put on my music and then I put it on shuffle, pull out of the drive way then crank the music! I roll down the windows to let the air in and the music out as we speed down the road all signing "I've been roaming around Always looking down at all I see Painted faces, fill the places I cant reach You know that I could use somebody You know that I could use somebody!!!" we drive down all the dirt roads on the way to own so we can drift, its cold out but we all have adrenaline pumping through our systems so the cold doesn't bug us!

we pull into the parking lot of the air port with an hour until boarding singing "Everybody said, boy, don't go any higher, Uh uh, fuck that, I can do anything, Never push the limit, and don't play with fire, Uh uh, fuck that, I can do anything, Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na na na Wear my heart on my fist take You by surprise fighter, Uh uh, fuck that, I can do anything" i put up the windows and turn down the volume then shut the car off, unplug my phone, unbuckle my seat belt then pop the trunk so we can get our bags.

i hold Ryders hand as we walk into the airport, not that he needs me to, i just have to, for me because i don't know when i'll see him next "i hope you remembered where we parked because you're going to have to tell mom or dad where the car is" i say to ryder and he nods in response i look around for mom and i find her along with jezebel and tori and dad we all walk over and i hug ryder then mom then dad, jezebel, and lastly tori, sam follows this order and so does kian.

we are all in tears already, especially kian and jezebel!

we go through customs and then meet back up with the family.

kian holds jezebel tight and says "i miss you already..." she responds with 'oh get over yourself, you'll be fine!" she wipes her eyes and tries to smile and he chuckles a little and sniffles. "this is why i love you and why this is so hard. I'm going to miss all your sarcastic and funny and cool replies you have to everything and everyone" she plus away enough to loo at him "'cool' really, that's the best you could do in our final moments together you come up with my responses are 'cool'" she smiles and he starts laughing "i never claimed to be a word genius you know" "oh i know" she says with a giggle and i cant help but smile at them.

"flight 432 to California now boarding"

I take a deep breath "so this is goodbye again, eh?... i'm going to miss you all so much more now!!!" I start balling and shaking as hug everyone once more. "i love you guys with all my heart."

I grab my bag and sams hand "kian.. come on.. w-we have to go now" he squeezes jezebel one more time tightly, kisses her cheek and whispers something in her ear before finally letting her go and he also quickly thanks my parents for letting us stay and then he joins us and we all board the plane.

kian gets the window seat, sam gets the middle and I get the isle seat, great.

once everyone is boarded we take off, an hour into the flight sam pulls me onto his lap and I giggle this wont be so bad smile and snuggle into him, I look over to check on kian and he has his headphones in passed out already. he will asleep this whole flight. good for him, he needs his sleep now. cali... here we come..

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