Chapter 14 (school pt. 2)

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Kian- "wait wait wait. You are going to hang out with the only person we don't want you to."
Me- "you don't want me hanging out with Josh either"
Kian- " I don't think this is a good idea." We walk out of wood shop like we walked in. Tacky and weird I know but we actually do it all the time.
Me- "I've herd your side and Sam's side of the story that happened between you guys. Oh and the fans version. Well your Lawlorffs version. But I haven't herd hers. I like to hear as many sides as I can before picking witch one is right."
Kian- "I think that's the smartest thing you've said all day! good job! But her story will be bullshit" I roll my eyes.
Me- "ya sound like Jezebel." He smiles and blushes a bit.
Kian- "and you sound like a country person. Well a Canadian country person." We get to our lockers.
Me- "well. I have to go meet acacia in the science room."
Kian- "if she tries to murder you for hanging our with Sam, Text or call me or him and we'll save you." I laugh a too hard at that and mess his hair when I walk by him.
Kian- "I HATE YOU LEX!" he quickly goes to fix his hair as I have a laugh attack like an idiot in the hall on my way to the science room.

I walk in and see acacia and the other girl she was with at lunch.
Acaica- "I never introduced you guys yet. This is Lindsay! Lindsay this is Elexa... I'm gonna call you Exa for short."
Me "okay..."
Acaica- "come on. We're going to show you all our school" I nod and then we leave the room.

We head down the hallway more and stop at the next door.
Acaica-" this is a supply closet. Not very interesting until you meet the right guy." Oh my god. Did she really just say that?!
Me-"w-what?!" she just smiles evilly and continued down the hall and up the stairs. Not much in that hallway.

Upstairs is the different music classes, drama class, and English classes. Easy to remember. There is another set of stairs that , you to the green room on the roof. So basically a green roof. Acaica goes to the edge of the roof and leans over, too far for my liking so I pull her back quickly
Acaica- what do you think your doing!" I take a step back, I don't do so well when people get angry. Especially popular people for some reason.
Me-" I-I was pulling back so you don't fall" she laughs pretty hard at me trying to save her witch I do not appreciate at all.
Acaica- "you don't have to worry about me. I'd be more worried about yourself and your relationship with Sam." Oh shit. She seen us together! I take out my phone to text Kian, he was right all along. Him and Sam. Lindsay snatches my phone before I could text Kian great!
Me-" I want to here your story on what happened between you and Sam. I know you guys broke up so I went over to ask what happened and he told me. So did Kian. But I want your side too" I lie, a bit. I think it was obvious but what she said next surprised me, a lot.
Acaica- "your just like all of his friends aren't you? asking me what appended. Telling him what I said witch gives him another resin to hate me... But if you really want to know, we had a huge fight between Sam, Kian, and I. He had a choice. Me or kian and he picked Kian and we were over. But I still want him back..." she seems to be telling the truth, I feel bad for her... until she starts laughing like a seal.
Acaica- "oh my god you actually believed that! hahahahahahahahaha! The story's true. We fought and broke up but I was just using him for fame... And sex. But if you ever try and be more then friends with him I will cut your throat and hang you on his bedroom door." Her face is serious, my eyes go wide.
Me- "I hope you know that kian and Sam will come looking for me if I don't text them saying I'm okay."
Lindsay- "that's taken care of don't worry."
Me- "well now they defiantly know something is up unless you somehow knew our code." I shrug and they seem to either be just really bitchy ass people or it's the time of the month for them both because they seem extra pissed at me now, an I barely know them at all!
Acaica- "you're such a bitch. Augh. Here I thought you could be part of our group of friends. But you're friends with Sam so we obliviously can't be! why wouldn't you just be straight up and tell me you were friends with him"
Me-" You never gave me a chance and I wanted to see how this would all lay out. oh and you could have said that Sam was your ex and didn't want me to talk to him or something instead of lying. I'm no worse then you and what I've herd is true. You're bitchy, a lier think you control everything, and a big bully! You have no idea how much I was not looking forward to this but I keep my word." I go to walk away, like Lindsay had. But she just backed up a bit and I was gong to leave.
Acaica- "at least I don't have a freaky accent, frizzy hair, greasy hair, weird eyes, tiny ears, and ugh that shirt is Hideous! I wouldn't wear that if it was the only shirt in the world left." I laugh a bit and get in her face.
Me- "I don't post nudes or try and get with band members . That just shows how low your self-esteem really is. Oh and we're those insults supposed to work because I've herd them all over a 1 000 times. I don't need you pointy out imperfections I have. I know now I have them. I'm aware but no one is perfect not even you or your clan. At least I admit I know I'm not perfect. Unlike you who hides behind this mask"
Acaica- "at least I can fit on a chair without half my ass hanging off because I'm fat. Unlike you! plus you know nothing about me. You can't say that stuff."
Me- "wait. So You have the right to say that to me but I don't have the right to say that to you, because I'm pretty sure you know absolutely nothing about me. But I actually know a bit about you. Like I know your dad wants you to be the perfect daughter and shit."
Acaica- "if you know that then why are you saying all this stuff"
Me- "I never once said anything really mean. You and a majority of the school all know tis stuff. No one had the guts to tell ya because you scare people"
Acaica- "at least I'm not fat and unstylish." She flicks her hair off her shoulder then chuckles to herself about her comments.
Sam- "she's not." I hear Sam get closer as he talks and when I turn around he's directly behind me.
Me- "sam I can take care of myself." Kian comes up and manages to get my phone back from Lindsay. He hands it back to me.
Me- "just because you can't see my bones or my veins pop out doesn't mean I'm fat. I don't care what you think of me or if your out to get me. The only thing I want to do is leave." my voice cracks and my eyes tear up, I hate being an emotional person. Kian comes over and stands in front of me then Sam does the same. I know they're just looking out for me but I'm not a baby and I can handle this myself.
Acaica- "aww. The poor baby need body guards" she is pushing the line. I push past kian and Sam and jump at her, we fall. I land on top her and pin her down.
Me- " you should have body guards." I bitch slap her across the face not even using full force, but I swear you could hear it across the school. along with the scream she let out, her eyes were watering and there's a handprint of my hand on the left side of her face. Sam and Kian quickly pull me off of her before I can do any more damage.
Acacia- "YOU BITCH!"
me- "YOU deserved it."

Kian ends up carrying me over his shoulder all the way to our lockers, when he finally sets me down I punch his arm and hit Sam's forehead.
Me- "why did you do that! I wasn't done with her! you made me seem weak."
Sam- " pretty sure she doesn't think that now..." I give him a dirty look indicating I'm still extremely angry and willing to hurt him to.
Kian- "I'm pretty sure you don't want to be sent to the office you first day here."
Me- "maybe doing that is the only way I'll be alowed to go home!"
Kian- " you'll just be late going home. If you get detention." I snap at kian.
Me- "my home is not in California! it's just a prison I was sent to, to get better grades! I want to go home. Where my little brother is! he needs me!" I start crying and have a few voice cracks while trying to stay calm. I run into the bathroom, witch was the worst idea because of all the girls in there. I look down and cover my face while speed walking to the last stall to sit and cry silently. I bump into some.
Me- "sorry, I'm sorry." I say while sniffling a bit.
Girl- "whatever" I open the last stall and lock it before breaking down and crying. I cry for a good ten minutes. I want to go home.
I walk down to the gym and see the end of a game of volleyball Lindsay hits the ball up and Acaica hits it over the net, too fast and hard for anyone to cover, it comes flying and it slams me in the right side of my face. the impact knocks to to the floor. Everyone is speechless, just staring at me as my right eye stars watering Mrs. Stree runs over.
Mrs. Stree- "are you alright?!" I try to open my right eye but I can't, I sit up and lightly touch around where the ball hit, bad idea.
Me- "yeah, yeah I'm fine. My eye is just super watery at the moment. But I'm okay." I stand up slowly then almost fall and everyone besides Lindsay and acacia come over.
Me- "I'll be fine, I promise." Mrs. Stree looks at me like a concerned parent and then looks over at a snickering Acaica and Lindsay and starts yelling at them.
Mrs. Stree- "girls. Go change. you go see the nurse."
Me- "mrs. Stree, I'm fine I promise. You don't need to make a fuss about it. It was an accident." I smile at we even though it hurts like hell, she give a sincere smile back.
Mrs. Stree- "I still want you to see the nurse, I'll walk you down myself if I have to." I nod and Mrs. Stree was being serious and walked me to the nurse. Along the way I seen Sam and Kian talking with a group of guys. They didn't notice me tough

The door to the nurses room says "ms. Reta" I open the door and she looks up from her book she was reading and looks a little shocked.
Ms. Reta- "oh dear, what happened?!"
Mrs. Stree- "volleyball accident" I nod and ms. Reta examines my face. I flinch a bit when she touches my cheek.
Me- "I'm fine. Trust me!"
Ms. Reta- "well nothing is broken so in a sense I guess you are but it's swollen a lot. I'll have to give you an icepack." She hands me a freezing icepack and I put it on my face, that's when I notice I have a massive headache and I take off the icepack.
Me- "I'll put ice on it at home, I'm fine. Please can I just go?" ms. Reta sighs.
Ms. Reta- "I suppose, but come and check with me Monday." I agree to this and leave the small room, mrs. Stree stays back to talk.

I go to the nearest bathroom to see how bad the swelling is, I look in the mirror and I notice that the lines of the volleyball are imprinted into my face and it's swollen pretty bad. I sorts wish I took the icepack... but that only made me realize that I have a really bad headache and I feel like my head will explode if I don't take some Advil. I speed walk to my locker as get two Advil out of my bag and down them dry. Witch was a mistake so I go to the fountain and take a huge drink. As I do so the final bell rings, it hurts my head so bad! I grab my stuff out of my locker and head to Kian's car. Knowing he has the doors locked I use my foot to open the trunk because it has a sensor and clime in then shut the trunk. I lay in the back seat and close my eyes hoping that it'll help with my headache.
Kian- "where's lex. She's supposed to meet us here" he unlocks the doors.
Sam- "I seen her going down the hall." They get in.
Me- "I'm right here" they both jump and kian hits his elbow off the window.
Kian- "how'd you get in?"
Me- trunk. Now can we go? I have a headache" Sam turns to look at me.
Sam- "well no wonder. Your face is inflated."
Me- "can we just go. Please Kian!" he starts the car and we drive to my house.

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