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Sam's pov

Kian and I are laying on our beds eating pizza and watching 21 Jump Street, which is what we always do on Friday nights. But not always 21 Jump Street and we do it with Lex. But she's not here this time. And I have to wait until she texts me so I know that they are gone and the plan is in action.

5 minutes later I get a text

Lex bæ 💖- "okay we're gone now you know what to do 👌😋" I can't help but smile at this text for the stupidest reason.

"She texted you didn't she" kian says with a know it all smirk. "Who? lex. Yeah, she said that they're having fun already" I smile

"Let's play a game" I say boredly "truth or dare?" kian suggest, which I knew he would. He loves the game!

"Truth or dare?" he says "dare"i say and he smiles "run around the halls naked and scream" I didn't think he'd go that extreme at first but since he did that saved me a lot of time. I do as he says (covering myself obviously) and go back to our hotel room and get dressed again

"truth or dare" I say knowing he'll pick dare. "Dare" he says and I smile "ask Jezebel out when they get back" his face goes pale "I can't do that" "yes you can, you're crazy about her and she's even more crazy about you!" "I'll do it on one condition" he says with an evil smile. "Okay. Find what is it?" "promise you'll do it" "I promise as long as you do what I told you"

"you have to ask out lex and I'll ask out Jezebel"

I knew u shouldn't of promised

"No. No, I'm not going to do that she doesn't feel the same way about me. Don't you remember she almost stopped talking forever a month ago, she doesn't feel the same. unlike Jezebel for you!" I say in protest.

"Sam you are blind! it's so obvious she is crazy about you! she's always staring at you with the goofiest smile and she is like attached to your hip at all times and she blushes more than usual when you compliment her! all the signs say she is without a doubt crazy for you" Kian says with a smirk on his face.

"How would you know" I spit out at him. I mean she is literally perfect with her gorgeous blue eyes and brown hair. And she's so short and smart. She really doesn't give herself enough credit-

"Sam. Hellooooo" Kian waves his hand in front of my faces and I snap out of thought. "What?" "Ugh I said I know that look. It's the same look that you give her but you're both blind as bats and don't see it."

Does she really feel the same? if only she knew everything. That'd change her mind...

"You have to do it or I am not." Kian says and holds up his hand so we can shake on it. "Well.." he says getting impatient. And then I shake his hand. My life is going to be over once she walks through that door.

I text lex

-"it's done. He's going to do it for sure."

Lex bæ💖- "OMG REALLY?! YOU'RE AMAZING❤️ oh and we decided to come home early, Jezebel is tired. We'll be there in an hour"

"Kian they're coming back in an hour. Better practice what you're going to say to her" I say with a bit I an evil smile on my face "I'm not the only one who has to think of something to say." He looks at me and I nod.

What the fuck am I going to say! of course I wouldn't admit it to kian but I have thought about it before and every time in my head, she rejected me.i don't want that to happen because what if we can't be friends. What if everything is awkward after that and she ends up not talking to me ever again!

Grow a pair of balls and just ask her out. The worst thing that can happen is that she rejects you.

I start going through what to say in my head and I can tell kian was doing the same.

Within 15 minutes we were testing what we were gonna say on each other. Which I admit is weird but completely necessary.

I look at the time on my phone. Exactly 26 minutes until they get back and a couple minutes after that, my life is over and kian has (for the second time ever) a girlfriend!

10 minutes pass and Kian leaves to go wait in the lobby for them and I start pacing the floor and sweating.

5 minutes until they get back and I changed due to sweating problems. I've never felt like this before. Not with any of my past girlfriends... But we didn't work out because they got to know me better and didn't like who I was.. Well all except Acacia.

I wanna tell her who I really am. But if it'll ruin our relationship as friends and possibly a romantic one then I'll keep it to myself. Until she asks.

I sit on our bed playing with my fingers waiting for her to come Through The door.

Keenbeen🐎-"they're here. Are you ready for our lives to end?😁"

"Yours won't end she's fucking insane for you. You are all she talks about! literally. You are related to every single thing she has said for the past four months!"

Keenbeen🐎-"I'm going for it! Wish me luck 😋"

"Good luck you crazy fucker! don't get laid though. Too early on for that to happen 😉"

Keenbeen🐎-"right back at you. I don't need to come back and you guys getting it on 😏" I laugh at this know there is no way in hell that I would ever get laid tonight.

And then...

the door opens....

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