Chapter 19

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"YYOU BITCH!" she screams, it seem like every eye is on me now. I know Acaica well enough that I know what's coming next.

She comes towards me and try's to slap me back but I think I've had enough of her for tonight. Right before her hand makes contact and throw it down and walk away stupid tears threatening to falls.

God I hate being so emotional. My head is pounding, eyes laced with tears and I can't find my bag with my book. Great. Oh and my two best friends are no where to be seen. I shouldn't have agreed to even do this. I shouldn't have ever went school. I shouldn't have came to California at all.

I can't stop the tears from falling anymore. I'm tired of fighting it. I sit in the sand near the water feeling the cool water on the tips of my toes I pull my knees to my chest and lay my forehead on my knees and cry. Not like a few tears I mean full on sobbing.

"Lex. There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere." Sam calls and I furiously wipe away my tears. He's seen me cry enough time already. He sits next to me.

"Are you alright?" No. I'm not I just want to go back to Canada. I wis I never was forced to come here because my life is a living hell.

"Yeah" I answer and my voice cracks and betrays me.

"No you aren't..." He mumbles and I barely hear him. He seems... off. Not like any other time I've came to him or cried or lashed out.

"You're mad. Aren't you" I watch the small waves in front of me. I don't want to look at him. I don't want to look at him if he's angry. He's never gotten angry at me before. Even when you should be he's not.

"No... but I'm upset" he looks at me for a moment before looking away again.

"I'm sorry" I'm not sure what I'm sorry for maybe for all the times I've lashed out in front of him or for fighting with his ex so much or maybe for always bugging him with my problems all the time.

He takes a deep breath "you might hate me for this... but when Kian took you to get food I grabbed your bag and took it home. So you couldn't read so naturally I went in your room and I don't know why but I looked at your books then I found this" he throw the pack of cigarettes I bought earlier in between us and I can't seem to breathe for a minute.

"No one was supposed to find them. I haven't smoked any! They're gross. I just got them just incase" I look at him but he's looking out over the water like I was not to long ago but he looks upset and disgusted.

"I'm sorry" I add

"Why do you want to go so bad" he finally looks at me again and I wish he didn't. His face don't show any emotion but then a flicker in his eyes tells me how upset he is and I can't take it. I can't see him upset, it breaks my heart.

"Be... because I don't belong here." "Yes you do. You just don't want to" "that's not true. I don't fit in here you know that." "no Lex, I don't know that. you just don't want to believe it" "sam... please. I don't want to talk about it. I am going to go back to Canada. You can't stop me either" I state meaning it.

"What if I can change your mind." His eye are glossy now, I hate myself for doing this to him.

"Then you change my mind and I'll stay." I'm 95% sure that he won't. I'm very stubborn.

He takes me by surprise and raps his arms around me tightly and I can't move "thank you" he whispers I can tell he's smiling now and I'm glad.



It's 3am and were still at the party. It's been so long since Sam and I talked and I agreed to let him try and change my mind.

"Let's go for an early morning swim!" Kian say and takes his shirt off, man he has a nice body! sam takes his shirt off also. My god, I have pretty attractive friends.

"Come on lex!" Kian calls "it'll be fun, it's not even that cold!" he adds. As Sam and him run into the water.

I really don't want to be on the beach without them. That's weird. Why am I weird? agh. I take off the dress I was wearing and put it next to there shirts and go in the water.

"Stop staring at me..." I tell them an Kian looks away but sam doesn't. I splash him in the face.

He looks surprised but quickly splashes me back "HEEY. That's mean" I splash him and Kian splashes me. I can't help but smile and how foolish we must look but I don't care. I put my hands on the top of the water and move them in Kian's direction and the water splashes him.

We continue to splash each other and they slowly start to back up going farther out in the water.

Once I realize the water is up to my neck I start to panic a bit and go on my tip toes "I can't go any farther" I can't swim really well and I don't like when the water is above my chest. I wasn't paying attention and now I'm freaking out and I can barely move.

They both freeze and swim over "I'm sorry I forgot" Kian says "it's not your fault it's mine for not being able to swim very well" we start to go back slowly.

"Here hop on my back" Kian stops and bends down a bit so I can get on his back. "You sure?" I don't know why I asked that. "Yeah now hop on." I do as he says and get on his back and wrap my arms around his neck loosely. out of the corner of my eye I see sam shoot Kian a quick glare. I don't even think Kian seen him do it and I almost missed it. But I didn't.

" I feel like a child." I admit once we get back to the beach. Kian let's me down while laughing "you are one." He teases and I roll my eyes and smile. "saamm! Kian's being mean to me!" I say in a whiney 5 year old voice and he laughs hard, like insanely hard.

"I'm not even that funny" I say while giggling a little. I don't find myself funny most of the time but sometimes I think I can be funny, but Kian and Sam think I'm hilarious for so reason.

I pull my hair back into a bun then put my dress back on. "you know. I could
be reading right now. or sleeping."

"Well you're not you're with you friends having FUN!" Sam says whole pulling his short back on.

I wish he'd keep it off. what! okay no no no stop thinking of that. Don't think about how his shirt is sticking to him revealing his abs... Stop thinking!


By 4am we start cleaning the beach where we were partying and we finish at 6. There was a lot of garbage to clean.

"I don't want to go home and get lectured can I go to your house sam?" I ask then yawn. "Yeah no problem"

We all start walking to his house and I lean my head on Sam shoulder. I guess I didn't realize how tired I am. I can barely keep my eyes open now.

Before I know what's happening sam picks me up bridal style and continues to walk and I drift to sleep in his arms, for a change I feel... Different

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