Chapter 13 (school pt. 1)

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The school is 10x the size of my old school, witch means I will get lost at least once today. greaaatt! when it comes to school I have about -6 human interaction skills as Jezebel would say.
Me- "kill me now." I grab my bag and get out of Kian's car and they follow. I start walking with them behind me. WIAT why am I in front. I have no clue where I'm going. I slow down enough so one of them can pass me and lead the way, we enter the school and it's filled with people already! oh god. Everyone. is looking at us! I hate attention. Especially in school! I look at Sam who's standing next to me texting.
Me- "I have to go to the office and get my schedule and everything."
Sam- "okay, I'll take you!"
Kian- "I'll see you at lunch guys!" he says before walking away to a group of guys and girls, I watch as he starts laughing and smiling.
Sam- "come on, the office is this way" he takes my hand and basically drags me down the hall and to the right into a room with the word 'Office' written above the door. It seemed like he was trying to get away from someone he didn't want to see

He takes me up to the desk with a smile on his face, a woman with a red blouse and glasses on turns around her chair. I look at the desk. Her name plate says 'Mrs. Alex'. Her desk is really tidy, a basket of colorful papers sit on her desk along with a few pictures, a phone, computer, pencils, the usual secretary stuff.
Mrs. Alex- "why hello Mr. Pottorff! how was your summer?"
Sam- "it was great! How was yours?"
Mrs. Alex- "pretty great as well! hopefully this year I won't be seeing you as much and you've straitened up over the summer.- oh who's this?" she looks at me with a sweet smile witch I return.
Me- "I'm Elexa McCall, I recently moved here from Canada. I- I came to get my schedule?"
Mrs. Alex- "oh of course! I should've known!" she grabs a few papers from the counter and hand them to me.
Mrs. Alex- "this is a map of the school, this is a slip I need all your teachers to agin and brought back by the end of the day, and this is your schedule! if you need anything else. You know where to find me!" I smile and nod
Me- "thank you! I'll bring that sheet back at the end of the day"
Sam- "okay let's go." We leave the office and I walk to my locker, number 274, right next to the girls bathroom, also kian's locker is three away from mine. But Sam's is down the hall more, not too bad.

I look at the map, studying it so I don't have to actually Carrie it around all day like a loser. my frost class is chemistry, down the hall and third door on the left. According to the map that I know mesmerized, just in case I'm going to ask kian where it is.
Me- "kiki, where Mr. grimply's chemistry class?"
Kian- "uhmm down the hall a little more to the right, third door on the left" okay so I know the map is right. I give him a side hug.
Me- "thanks! you're a life saver." I head towards the class after the bell rings. I take Kian's advice and sit in the middle row. Five minutes after the bell and everyone is finally all here, I'm sitting next to a guy.

Throughout the 65 minute class we talk, I find out his name is Josh! He's on the football team, or was last year. He has to tryout again this year, later on though. Next week actually.

Before I know it the class is over! I look at my schedule, next I have math with mrs. Withs. Kian said that she's the fun math teacher, laid back and stuff.
Me- "um.. josh where's Mrs. Withs math class?"
Josh- "that's my next class too, I'll walk you" I nod and he takes me to the class, witch isn't too far from chemistry actually. Once again we sit next to each other, I look around the room and notice a girl staring at me. I think that's Sam's ex. But I'm not 100% sure. this class is an hour long. And I was learning a whole different way. In Canada we use kilometers, meters and all that stuff but here it's miles. this is going to be difficult. actually I hope it is. Because then I might be able to go home! I now have a plan A and a plan B!

The lunch bell rings so I head to the cafeteria where Sam and Kian are waiting for me.
Someone grabs my arm, I spin around and see Acaica with another girl.
Acaica- "come sit with us!"
Me- "oh. Well, I kinda already promised I'd sit with someone else. Sorry."
Acaica- "whatever you do. Don't talk to him. His name is Sam Pottorff. He's mine." She points over to Sam. I act like I've never seen him before.
Me- " how would I be a threat."
Acaica- "if I find out you guys have been hanging out or getting close I will destroy you. Oh and I'm showing you around last period." She smiles and walks away with the other girl following her. That was strange.

That was the strangest thing that has ever happened to me. In like ever. I continue on my way to join Kian and Sam. I sit next to kian.
Sam- "what was Acaica saying?" I texted him during class telling him that I think acacia is in one of my classes.
Me- "just now? she said to stay away from you because you're hers and if she finds out we've been hanging out she'll destroy me. Oh and she said she was going to show me around and introduce me to her friends."
Sam- "and you agreed to go with her?"
Me- "no. She didn't give me an option plus. If you haven't noticed I'm extremely awkward."
Kian- "it's hard not to notice." I punch his arm, not hard of course. He makes a really strange un-human like noise and a bunch of people turn to look at us. I turn slightly red do to all the eyes on me. I get embarrassed easily.

We eat and laugh over nothing basically the whole lunch hour.
Sam- "did you meet any actual people?"
Me- "uhh yeah I met a guy named josh and a girl named Andrea. That's about it I think."
Kian- "josh pecks?"
Me- "I don't know. I didn't ask to know his last name."
Sam- "well does he have brown hair, sunglasses, possibly a leather jacket?!" they seem so concerned over him.
Me- "yeah.. why?!"
Kian- "he's bad news."
Me- "he seemed nice and normal?"
Sam- "he won't be nice and normal when he forces you to have sex with him. He's done that to every new girl. He also does drugs"
Me- "I think I can take care of myself. But if it makes you guys feel better I won't talk to him."

The bell rings and we head to our lockers.
Kian- "what class do you have now?" I look at my schedule.
Me- "umm... industrial arts."
Kian- "same! who's your teacher?"
Me- "mr. Reed, Why who's yours"
Kian- " mr. Reed too" I smile
Me- "this is going to be a fun class." Kian nods and loops our arms together as we walk to the stairs, we go down two flights of stairs, down a short hall to the leg and in the last door on the right. This. Is. Huge! and I thought the one back home was big! You cloy fit my old school in this one room, just I give you an idea of how small my old shook was. At the most there was maybe 1 000 students, multiply that by 5 an thats how many students are at this school. So everything is huge. I follow kian into a smaller room with desks and chairs, we take a seat in the very back row.
Kian- " mr. Reed is hilarious, he cusses a bit and once pretended to electrocute me." I nod, kinda sounds like my old teacher.

For this class all we did was draw our first name and nick name if we have one in different ways, while we did that we listened to the radio or requested songs to be played on YouTube. Defiantly my favorite class so far, it's also an hour long.

Just like math and lunch. Next is free period and I'd like to spend it with Kian and Sam but I told Acacia I'd go with her, well actually she kinda just told me that I was and I don't like breaking my word. I want to get to know her before I judge her.. If possible

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