Chapter 9

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< 1 week later >

Dad- "Elexa wake up. Sam is here." Sam and I have became good friends in the past week, we exchanged numbers, I've met a few of his friends. He has shown me around a bit more. I'm starting to trust him a bit.
Me- "tell him ill be down in 10 minutes and get out of my room."
Sam- "too late I'm up." Dad leaves and Sam jumps on the bed and lands on my foot.
Me- "ow! you little son of a barrel!"I push him off my bed and laugh, he gets up with a pillow and I hide under the blankets.
Me- "okay how about you can pick my outfit to day if you don't hit me with the pillow!"
Sam- "okay!" he throws the pillow on the floor then goes into my closet to pick something out.
Sam- "when did you get my beanie?"
Me- "we have the same one."
Sam- "oh. Well you're wearing it today."
Me- "I'm not wearing just that."
Sam- "obviously!" he picks out something that's actually kinda cute and then I go into the bathroom to change.

( )

Me- "does it get the stamp of approval from mr. Pottorff?"
Sam- "you look half human like so yes." Hit it his arm lightly and we go downstairs.
Dad- "what's today's plan?"
Me- "nothing. Going for a walk like we always do."
Dad- "when will you be back?"
Me- "don't know." I walk out the front door and down the street.
Sam- "hey. Wait up!" he runs to catch up so I stop at the wrong time and he runs into me almost knocking me down, luckily he grabs my arm so I don't fall on my face.
Me- "thanks!"
Sam- "no problem" we walk side by side until we get to Jarrad and Cory's house, then we have a race to the front door and Sam wins obviously.
Me- "next time I get a head start" we walk inside like we own the place and I lay on the couch.
Me- "are they even home!"
Sam- "I don't know." I roll my eyes
Me- " oh god. the waters don't run deep with you do they"
Sam- "what is that supposed to mean?"
Me- "its a saying from where I'm from. It basically means your an idiot." He acts all hurt by that
Me- "settle down clown."
Sam- "bitch please." I sit up and look at him like 'oh no you didn't'
Me- "if I had a face like that I'd sand it right off."
Sam- " if I had your hair I'd shave my head."
Me- " I wouldn't follow you around if you were Jesus."
Sam- "but you have been following me around for the past week!"
Me- "don't make me threw a friggin potato at your head or shove it up your arsehole"
Sam- "I got nothin you haven't heard before now."
Me- "ha I win!.... I don't think there home, we should probably go." We get up and leave, Sam walks like a deva to the side walk and I burst out laughing!
We walk to a near by park and swing.
Me- "I am so not ready for school to start..."
Sam- "phhssttt you're ready! all you really need is some friends so you don't look like a loner."
Me- "friends? what are those strange creatures?" We laugh a little too much at that. But oh well
Me- "is there anyone you can think of that I should avoid?"
Sam- "I think you should be fine, just. Try not to talk to acacia. We used to date and she is a bit obsessive over me. She'll say anything to get close to you or hurt you because we hang out" sounds like drama. I doubt it's that bad.
Me- "okay. Ill try and avoid her." It goes silent, not an awkward silence just silence. Until Sam asks the same question as when we first met.
Sam- "why don't you like your dad?"
Me- "can we go to the tree and talk?" he nods and we head over to a huge tree. I climb up and he follows close behind until we get to the middle of the tree and sit.
Sam- "how about we just play 21 questions?" I nod.
Me- "that sounds less terrifying then telling you every single thing about my life without getting anything back from you."

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