Chapter 30

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**one month later (Oct. 11)**

I wake up excitedly before my alarm goes off. Today is the day I come home! It's also the day I get to drag Sam and Kian around the Island with Jezebel and Tori!

I have all my bags packed and ready to go. But I double check to make sure I have everything I need. I got tori and Jezebel presents and little nicknacks that reminded me of them.

I call Sam's phone, no answer so I call it again and again as I get everything to have a shower. finally the tenth time I call he wakes up an I can tell he's pissed off. "What" he groans "TODAY IS THE DAY WE LEAVE! ARENT YOU PUMPED!?" "Lex, it's 4am. It inhuman to be up and cheerful at this time" "well our flight leaves at 6 and I've figured out a schedule so we make it with a bit of time to spare. I expect you and Kian here and ready in an hour." He whines and groans "I don't wannaaaa" "well. You agreed to go. plus it'll be fun for you to experience the snow we have" "snow? it's only October" "yeah, well it's Canada after all. It'll be cold." I know that there won't actually be snow but he thinks that it snows for three months a year. So I kinda have to make him think they'll be snow. It'd be rude not to.

I have a shower and sing along to truth or dare by Mariana's Trench (which I put repeat because it's flawless)
"Now follow me down to it Just follow me down to do it Nobody will know how you come, and you go for it Not gonna get dangerous, you don't got to worry about us Somebody to give what you get
And you get what you need now And these lights, get bright so let me show you
It would be so so so nice to know you It's as easy as, 1, 2, 3, do you see what I do Truth or dare, yes I double dare you You, you, me, now I think you got it One last breath and just spin the bottle now"

I get out, dry off and get dressed

(( ))

I look at the time, 30 minutes before I want Kian and Sam over here. So much stuff I could do. But I probably won't do any of it. I watch an episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and make eggs and toast. Minutes later the boys walk in dressed in shorts and tank tops. I put eggs and a piece of toast on three plates and hand each of them one. "You look ratchet." Sam says sarcastically "you look like a pile of shit everyday so" I fire back and we laugh

Once we finish eating I go to my room, grab my phone and charger put them in my backpack and take my bags to the front door "a little help would be great" I say as I try and open the door. Neither of them get up "well fine then." I set down both the bags to open the door then pick them both back up and take them to the car, put them down again to pop the trunk of Kian's car, pick them up and put them in the trunk. Shut the trunk and go back in and sit on Kian "guys we have to go in five minutes so use the bathroom now and at the airport so you don't have to on the plane"
Sam gets up and goes first and Kian turns me so I'm facing him. "Okay now spill. What is going on with you and Sam. You're like attached to the hip"
my eyes go slightly wide and I feel my face getting hot. "Nothing is going on I don't think... why? what has he been saying!?"
"He hasn't been saying anything about it. I haven't asked him yet."
I don't know why but I feel a weight being lifted off my chest and without even thinking about how it was supposed to be a secret from them I blurt. "But I love him in a more then just friends way... and if you tell anyone I will not hesitate to kill you with whatever is closest to me."
He smirks a bit "I knew it! I knew it all along!"
I cover his mouth with my hand "what did I just say! now be quiet and don't tell anybody!" I say then Sam comes back and I get off Kian, allowing him to get up and go to the bathroom. If Kian notices then everyone probably notices. Which means sam and I have to stop being 'attached by the hip'. it can't be obvious how I feel about him because I know he doesn't feel the same and he's proved it. A couple times.

Kian comes back so I go in, use the bathroom quickly and come back out. "Okay now get your asses in the car. I get shotgun!" I say and we go outside and Sam says "I'm driving this time!"
Kian throws him the keys and Sam gets in. Then Kian and I fight for the passenger seat and he wins. I pout and get in the backseat "fine then be that way"

Sam drives to the airport after we stop at Starbucks because Sam wanted coffee and the Starbucks in the airport 'takes to long and it taste gross' (his words not mine.)

"Okay I need to pee again" I say and leave Sam and Kian with our stuff.

When I come back the two if them leave to use the bathroom. When they come back we go through security and board the plane just in time, we take our seats. Sam at the window seat. Me in the middle and Kian on the outside.Then it finally hits me... I am going home for the first time with my best friends to see my other best friends!

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