Chapter 27

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We leave the house and I jump onto his back and he carries me most of the way until I jump down "race ya!" I say and start running the rest on the beach and I get onto the beach first. "I win, whoop" I say and set down my stuff and Kian does the same I shimmy out of my shorts and take my top off and lay down on my towel and put my glasses on. Kian lays next to me on his back and starts to text someone, I grab his phone "no texting. This is our time to relax and have fun." I turn his phone off. "Hey! you have your phone." He says in defence and grabs his phone back "yeah. But I'm not texting, I'm using it for music." He rolls his eyes "let's go in the water." He says a bit loudly "alrighty" I get up and we walk to the water "is it cold? you go first." I say and he rolls his eyes "it's California. Is the water ever cold." I shrug and go in up to stomach and Kian swims around me and I laugh "what are you doing?" "circling my prey, I'm obviously a shark duh." He says as if I should know "well you can't eat me." I say.

All of a sudden I feel to arms grab me, I know it's not kian so I squirm to get away. "Stop squirming." Sam says and picks me up and start to walk farther away "kian! help me!" I say in desperate attempt to get away from sam, I don't want to talk to him or see him. Kian shakes his head and watches sam take me in deeper. Once it's up to his neck, I'm clinging onto him for dear life! "I have to tell you something... that I've only told Kian." "Whatever it is I don't want to hear it. Now please take me back!" I plead, holding him so tight I don't know how I'm not killing him. "No. Not until you know this." "There's no other way you're going to take me back is there?" I ask giving up already and he shakes his head. I sigh "okay. Fine..."

I feel him getting tense and he can't look he in the eye. He takes a deep breath and begins "

"When I dated Acacia, she was into... things she shouldn't be. For example drugs. She was into weed and prescription pills.. Since I was her boyfriend I thought I had to get into that stuff too... so I did, not the pills though. Only weed and every Thursday I went with her and josh to the park and we'd smoke weed there. that's how I found out josh slept with all the new girls because he'd get high first and then find the new girls. Anyway, yeah so after three months of that Kian followed us and found out. But he didn't tell me he knew. Then when Acacia and I broke up I told he and he was like 'I've know for awhile now' and I was like 'oh.' Oh yeah. But anyway so after that I slowly started to smoke less. Until one time when I was really depressed from the breakup I called up josh and he hooked me up. But what I didn't know is that Acacia would be at the park and we ended up getting high together and one thing led to another... you know what I mean... Then when she texted me and wanted to meet me she said she wanted to try some other shit with me and I agreed thinking if just get a good buzz. But I got high and same thing happened and you know the rest..."

I can not believe this! I wanna scream in his face but there's too many people and he might drop me so instead without even thinking I just start crying. "Whoa what did I do?" he says. "What did you do? I'll tell you what you did.First you did drugs! second you are the one who told me not to smoke because you hated smoke. Third you got high with Acacia and she took advantage of you! four you used my fear of drowning to get me to listen. Fifth, that is the very reason I was forced to move! I can't look at you right now. I just wanna go home." If I wasn't so terrified I'd jump down and swim away. And if Kian wasn't being a dick and helping him with this is ask him for help. "I can't let you do that. Not until you promise not to tell. and also until you promise that you won't be mad" I cross my arms and wipe my face "I'm not going to tell. But I am not mad anymore... I-I'm disappointed in you" I can tell that he feels really bad and he should. Why would he expect that to make me talk to him again. I guess it did work but still. "I thought I've finally escaped from the druggies. But I guess I hate type" I say without thinking and wish I could take it back for two reasons. That was uncalled for from me and also it implies that I like him more then friends witch he isn't supposed to know. Ever. "wh-what?" He says obviously in shock. Anyone would be. "Nothing." I quickly say "take me back now" I can feel my cheeks getting hot "no... I think you said that you like me" I shake my head "did not. Now take me back. you told me what you needed to. Now please. I look like a prune!" It's times like these when I wish I wasn't this scared of drowning and water that I could just hop down and swim back. But I'm up to Sam's chest and the water is up to his neck meaning it's over my head. "Not until you give me a hug. To prove we are friends again" he smiles and I groans "but I am right now. And I will be until you walk back to the beach and set me down on the sand and then you're joining to swear on you brothers life you won't ever do this to me again... It's really not fair that you can just pick me up willy nilly and carry me out here" He nods and start walking back towards the beach.

I sigh in relief when he gets to the sand then lay on my towel. "Now swear on Levi's life that you won't do that again." "I swear" I smile and look around for Kian and see him sitting on a sand dune talking on the phone with a giant smile in his face, he look over and gives us a thumbs up for some reason and I look up at Sam who was making hand gestures at me. I raise my eyebrows and he stops. I pat Kian's towel and Sam sits. "Since you told me... That stuff, I'll tell you why I don't like my dad..." he looks at me with wide eyes "really?" "no. I lied. I'll never tell you" I say sarcastically and he laughs. "But not right now. I'll do it back at my house with Kian."

"You guys shower in dad's room or the guest room and meet me in the movie room!" I say as I run to my room, shower and put on pjs.

(( ))
How am I going to word this... How are they going to react?

I pace back and forth in my room trying to figure out what to say, I take a deep breath. I'm just going to wing it. I go down stairs and sit down on the rounded couch and curl up and wait for them to come down stairs... I hear footsteps pounding down the stairs and a few seconds later I see Sam and Kian running downstairs then they jump on the couch. Neither one wearing shirts.

This might be the hardest thing I've ever had to do... Explaining your life to two people isn't simple at all. But it's now or never, I know that...

"What I say cannot ever leave this room. Ever. It cannot be repeated no matter the circumstance..."

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