Chapter 15

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I walk into the house knowing Marc would be at work. Kian and Sam said they'd come over after they go to a friends house. I walk to the fridge and grab a bag of peas and put it on my face then I go to the basement because it's darker and lay down on the couch and take a nap.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wake up an hour later wen I hear Sam yelling and kian laughing while running upstairs. Witch is hard to sleep through. I realize that my headache is gone now and the peas are no longer frozen. I get up slowly and walk up stairs.
Me- "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yell at them while putting the peas in the freezer and taking a bag of fries out to cook because I'm starving. They both come running and yell
Kian/Sam- "LEX YOU'RE ALIVE!" it was actually really creepy how they said it at the exact same time. I look at them annoyed and that's when they turn all serious looking.
Kian- "what happened to your face?"
Me- "me and volleyball don't go good together. But it's fine, as long as I don't touch it."
Sam-" who did it?"
Me- "you don't wanna know."
Sam- "yes I do, otherwise I wouldn't have asked."
Me- "ugh fine. It was Acaica. But I deserved it. After all I did Leave a hand mark on her face."
Sam- "it's not okay. At all." He seems extremely pissed, this isn't good.
Me- "Sam I promise it's fine! Whatever your thinking of doing, don't. Please." I look at Kian for back up but he shrugs, I put the fries in the oven after turning it on.

Me- "thank god today is Friday. I get to call home"
Kian- "why do you only talk to them on Fridays?"
Sam- "because her mom and step dad are off work early on Fridays and Marc works late so she can say whatever about him without him over hearing." He remembered that? wow I told him that at least a month ago... I wonder what else he remembers.
Me- "yeah... So I'm gonna call them, you cook the fries because I'll be awhile" I grab the cordless phone from the kitchen table and run upstairs to phone home. After the third ring the phone is picked up.
Ryder- "he- hello?"
Ryder- "ELEXA! HEY!" I smile and laugh a bit.
Me- "hoe are you?"
Ryder- "well I've been home alone a lot lately. So I'm lonely a lot. It's just not the same without you..."
Me- "don't worry, I'm trying to come home soon! for Tori's birthday! I might bring two of my friends too"
Ryder- "who?"
Me- "Sam and Kian! It'll be great if I can! you guys could hang out and you could learn how to ride a skate board, they're awesome at skateboarding!" I can tell how excited he is.
Ryder- "do you really think so?"
Me- "yeah, yeah I do."

Sam's POV
Kian and I sneak upstairs, we go to lex's door witch is open and see her walking back and forth with a giant smile on her face, Friday is the only time I ever see her smile this big! I whisper to Kian over my shoulder.
Me- " lex hates it here..."
Kian- "I've noticed.. have you ever heard her whole story?" I shake my head, wishing that I did know everything. But I don't want to push her into telling me. I want her to trust me enough to tell me on her own.
Me- "oh shot the fries. Come on we have to flip them and shit" we leave but right before she's out of hearing range.
Lex- "don't worry I'm trying to come home soon for Tori's birthday! I might bring two friends!" I smile to myself then go back down stairs.

Elexa's POV
Me- " can you tell mom to call when she gets home?"

Ryder- "don't hang up!"
Me- "I won't, just yet don't worry. But I will have to go when I go to eat okay?"
Ryder- "okay... can we Skype when our eating?"
Me- "I'll have to as Kian and Sam if it's okay but probably!"
Ryder- " is school hard for you?"
Me- "we'll I wasn't the only new kid plus we just took notes and got our books today. But the math here is different and I know I'm going to struggle big time! but that might be a way for me to get back to you"
Ryder- "do you think about me a lot?"
Me- "literally every second of every hour you are on my mind!" I start tearing up a bit just thinking sour how alone he is right now, he doesn't have anyone with him.
Ryder- "I miss our movie nights... And playing floor hockey in the halls..."
Me- "I miss beating you at just dance! oh and your famous nachos! I still don't know how you make them so good!"
Ryder- "it takes time to prefect the ancient way of nacho making my young one" we both burst out laughing really hard.
Me- "ahhh... food is done, I'll grab my laptop and take it down with me."
Ryder- "don't hang up until we're Skyping!"
Me- "alright, alright. Hold on a second."
Ryder- "fiiinnee" I set the phone down and my laptop in one hand then picked up the phone. I run down stairs, cover the phone speaker.
Me- "Sam, Kian when I nod my head scream into the phone." They nod, I take my hand off the speaker and nod, they both let out high pitch loud screams. I can hear Ryder screaming because it frightened him! I burst out laughing and put the phone back up to my ear.
Me- "did they scare you?!"
Ryder- "YUSS!" I set the computer on the table and Skype my brother, he accepts right away and I wave.
Me- "YOU'RE SUCH A WHITE GIRL!" I hang up the phone and look over to where Sam and Kian are standing with puzzled looks.
Me- "oh this is Sam and this is Kian!" I turn the computer a bit so Ryder can see, he waves to them and they smile.
Me- "give me my food!" I demand hoping this time they'll actually give me my food.
Kian- "I ain't your slave girl get it yourself!"
Me- "be right back I gotta get food in the mean time look at ..... Kian making weird faces!" I turn my laptop so it's facing him and Kian starts making the most ridiculous faces possible and all I can hear is Ryder laughing his head off as I get fries and ketchup. I go back to that computer.
Me- "he's funny isn't he?" Ryder can barely breathe from laughing!
Ryder- "Kian is amazing!" I smile widely and look over at Kian who starts doing a victory dance I look back at Ryder and engage myself in a conversation with him.

After about 20 minutes of talking with Ryder I hear what I'm assuming is the front door open and close followed by steps up the stairs. "Hey Ryder." Mom says as she walks in. "You know I don't think you should be in here." "But mooom! the best internet connection is here!" mom looks at the screen "oh hey honey! how are are you doing?!" she sits next to Ryder. "We'll first day of school was today. That was interesting, uhm I guess I'm good I mean I miss pei like crazy! I miss my friends... oh speaking of. I made a few really good friends here! in fact two of them are here!" mom smile "well that's great honey! when will I get to meet these friends of yours?" "now I guess..." I look over and Kian and Sam signalling them to come over. They get up and walk over, as they come to where they are visible moms bright smile fades a bit into a surprised look. "Mom this is Sam and Kian!" I point to them as I say there name and they wave. "Well it's very nice to meet you Sam and Kian!"

All of us talk for 10 minutes before Ryder is told to help with supper so we end the Skype.

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