Chapter 6.

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Today is the day. I fly to California. By myself might I add. Witch I've never done before so I'm completely terrified! I zip up my last bag and put it in the hall, I go back in my room and realize I'm still in my pajamas. I grab the clothes that I laid out and go to the bathroom and have a shower then change, brush my teeth, dry my hair, brush it, curl it a bit, and then pack all my stuff from the bathroom into a backpack.

( )

Me- "so is Marc going to be there to pick me up?"
Mom- "I imagine Marc will. He'll have a sign with your name on it so you know to go with him okay?" I nod even though mom can't see me. I slip on my TOMs and put the backpack on, I carry down four other bags and almost face plant. Of course.
Me- "who's car are we taking?" I know I should know this but I'm forgetful.
Mom- "mine, there's a bigger trunk for your stuff." I struggle to try and get the door open for a good 5 minutes before Ryder comes and takes two of my bags and opens the door.
Me- "your a life saver thank you!" We get the bags in the trunk. I can't believe this is the last time I'll be with my family. Today will be the last day I will be on pei. For a long time. I'm going to be the awkward new kid once again. I hate this. I don't understand-
Ryder- "DON'T WALK INTO THE DOOR IDIOT!" I snap outta my thoughts right before running into the door and open it, turn and stick my tongue out at him and he does the same while walking to the door and going in before me. I roll my eyes and hit the back of his head upward and say "Ricky!" witch confused everyone and I laugh. Then go and get the last few bags. I grab my phone and text Tori and Jezebel.
"Hey guys I'm leaving in 30 minutes come over?"
Jezebel- "be there in 5"I smile and turn off my phone. I sit on my bed and look around remembering all the fun times I've had in this room. Like there was this one time I had Jezebel over and she said "I don't want to hit my head on the ceiling fan!" I've never had a ceiling fan. Probably never will but thats what she said and ever since then I'll say "ceiling fan" and we'll start laughing.

The next thing I know I'm on the floor because Jezebel and Tori push me off the bed and start laughing.
Me- "agh I hate you guys!" I get off the floor and joins them on my bed and we all lay in silence.
Tori- "I thought I'd be the first to leave you guys."
Me- "I'm pretty sure that's what we all thought." I start to get emotional, then start crying and hug them.
Me- "will you guys come to the airport with me?"
Jezebel- "I have nothing else to do with my life so sure!" I smile and let them go.
Me- "lets do one thing first. Before we leave." I get a permeant marker, take my
Phone out
Me- "sign my case. Both of you with a little message. So I'll never forget you guys." They do as I say
Me- "I can't read this until I get on the plain. Now give me your phones" they hand me them and I write me name and a little message on each one, then Tori wrote a message for Jezebel and Jezebel wrote one for Tori before trading back.
Me- "same rules apply for you guys. You have to wait until I'm on the plain to read the messages.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ryder, mom, Steve, and I all pile into the car. Tori and Jezebel get into Jezebel's car and follow us to the airport. I'm so nervous. I'm too awkward for my own good! I've been on 4 plains before but I was with mom and rider at the time and I was little like 6 or 7 at the time. And I couldn't ever sit with mom because she had to stay with
Ryder. Normal teenagers have been on more plains and have went way farther then I have it seems. Now I have to go somewhere I've never been before. Live with someone who trie to take my brother away. I'm not happy about it at all.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Flight 486 to California is boarding now" that's my flight. Oh god. This is all too much! I can't leave. No. I can't.
Me- "mom... I don't want to go" I start to cry a bit.
Mom- "you have to. We've already told your father when you'll be there." I hug her tightly
Mom- "it's a good thing were wearing water proof makeup" I laugh a bit and hug her tighter
Me- "I'm going to call everyday." I hug Steve and then Ryder, I whisper to Ryder
Me- "if anything is wrong when I'm gone you can call me at anytime. I'll answer!" he nods and snuffles. next Jezebel and tori hug me.
Me- "we can look at our cases soon. At least... I'll text you and tell you guys everything!" I take a deep breath, take my bags and go to board the airplane.

I put my carry on bag above my seat, I got a window seat! yes! I just hope some weirdo doesn't sit next to me.

Luckily I'm sitting with a girl around my age, she seems pretty nervous too.
Me- "you seem nervous" she smiles and looks at me
Girl- "yeah, it's the first time I've been on a plain by myself." We start talking and I find out her name is Summer! we talked for 4 hours straight about our friends. That reminds me. My case!

I turn my phone over and read the messages.
Jezebel- "you're my best friend well besides Tori of courses! IHYSM ❤ jkjk love you! don't forget me!"

Tori- " don't get pregnant because you will die. Love you! you better text me! ❤ I'll miss you like crazy!"

We sound like old couples hahaha!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I fall asleep for 14 hours. Best sleep ever! I was so used to someone waking me up but not this time! when I wake up and see Summer is up.
Me- "hey, what time is it?"
Summer- "hmm... 7:58pm. You slept all day!" I laugh a bit
Me- "I've never gotten to sleep that long. My brother would always come and wake me up...... When are you getting off?" Summer is going somewhere else, she never told me where but its not California. She's getting off at one of the 'pit stops'
Summer- "in 4 hours." I mod and we start talking until she has to leave, we had exchanged numbers so we could keep in contact. I know have a total of three friends.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I fall back asleep curled up in my seat facing the window. Until my flight has landed and it's time to get off.

(A/N) I know you actually can't travel from charolettetown right to California but this isn't real so now you can. K bye.

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