Chapter 28

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"I'm going to tell you my whole life story. Well the story summarized a bit" I say then take a deep breath and then they both get up and sit in front of the round couch like little school kids at story time.

"When I was about 4 my brother was born. Shortly after my dad, brother, mom and I moved. To Alberta. There, dad got into three accidents. He screwed up his back and all the medication he was on changed him. He became the strict parent and became controlling. Ryder and I used to walk to the park by ourselves. But when he started the medication we weren't allowed to leave the back yard without him or mom. At this time I was young and dumb and didn't understand what was going on. I just remember that every month we'd all go into Calgary, that's the second largest city in Alberta. We'd go to this big building, drop dad off then go to DQ. All I know is that in that building is where they gave him the pills. He was on 40 different pills because of the accidents. Side story, when I was 6 I started fixing cars and painting them with him. Every time we went into the garage he'd drink about 10 beers. He wasn't supposed to but he did anyway. He's always liked fixing thing and being in control. But back to the point now, so we lived there for 5 years before traveling across the country to Nova Scotia. That's when everything got worse. Mom and dad were fighting every night and I had to grow up fast and look out for Ryder. After a year of that mom decided it was enough and took Ryder and I to pei. We used to to to dad's every March Break and Summer Break. When we went over there, he didn't care about me. All he cared about was Ryder, he got everything he wanted and more. He got a phone at the age of 8 he got an xbox. Everything. The best thing I got was a hand me down phone. When I was 12. He blamed me for everything and made no effort at all. I hated it. Then one year, I wanted to stay with mom for an extra week but he wanted to go see dad before school started again so we took him over. Dad picked him up we said our goodbye then mom and I turned around and headed home. I would call to talk to Ryder but he'd never let me. So a week pasted and mom and I went to meet with dad. they weren't there so we waited and waited and waited. Mom texted him like 30 times asking where he was. He never answered so we called and he hung up every time. We went home. Then after three days with no word from either of them mom and I went to the police in Cape Breton. Where dad lived. They kept saying they can't do anything. They can't do anything. One guy said something like "we can't do anything because he's in no real danger. Besides, he can technically keep your brother until the last day of summer." He tried to take my brother away from me! he missed the first two weeks of school because of dad... He stopped eating as much and because he was so skinny he got bullied a lot. I was the only one he could talk to. Now, he has no one because I'm here with the guy who has shunned me and made no attempt to talk to me and tried to take him away. I will never ever forgive him for what he has done to us..." I wipe my face. I hadn't realize I was crying until now. I take a deep breath "Any questions?" They both get up and attack me in a giant bear hug. "you can't tell anyone... please" I say and wrap each of my arms around them. They nod "I won't" they say at the same time. "You're squishing me now" I groan and push them off me "come on. Let's go to bed. We have school in the morning" we all get up and sam grabs my hand stoping me from going up stairs "I don't have anywhere to sleep" he says "dad's away. You could sleep there... actually no. That'd be weird, just sleep with me.. Kian you can too!" "the guest bed is comfier then yours" he says and goes up the stairs, two at a time. Sam and I follow, still holding hands. "goodnight, sweet dreams kian! see you in the morning." I say as Sam and I go into my room and Kian goes into his. You know how when you like your best friend and its awkward, well I don't feel that way about Sam. It feels... different. But a good different. Like things won't be awkward with us.

We lay down on my bed and get covered up. I plug my phone in and make sure the alarm is on. "Do you drink?" I blurt aloud to Sam and look at him "not as much as I used to but yeah. Why?" I shrug "just wondering." "Do you?" he asks and I nod "yeah. I haven't since I came here." Yeah, surprise. I drink beer but honestly, what country girl doesn't. my dad was the reason I started drinking in the first place.

"Come over here and cuddle!" he says and pulls me into him and I giggle "in your dreams." "I am dreaming" he replies and I giggle again "goodnight sam." I close my eyes and drift to sleep shortly after with Sam's arms wrapped around my waist and my back against his bare chest.

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