Chapter 8

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<the next morning>

"Sometimes I lay Under the moon, And thank God I'm breathing And then I pray
Don't take me soon-" I turn off my alarm and wipe my eyes and near have a heart attack because I forgot I wasn't at home. But I realized that I was at my fathers and I was fine. I get up, stretch then turn on music, emblem3's album 'Nothing to Lose' then start jumping and singing around my room. I decide to explore the house a bit more considering I haven't gone down, down stairs. As in the basement yet I thought I should.

When I go down the stairs there a room to my left so I go in. It's the Laundry room!

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I walk out and go straight into the room across the hall and that the gaming room. I'll probably spend a while in here each day. If a remember how I got here.

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I go out of that room and walk down the hallway and literally 10 feet later I'm in an open spaced room. Witch is the movie room.

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This house is huge. I haven't even gone out side to see the pool! I run up the stairs then up to my room and change so I can go into the pool.

( ) I walk down the stairs, go to the kitchen and grab a water before going out side and looking at the pool.

( )

I open my bottle of water and takes sip before setting my towel down and taking off my flip flops. I walk into the pool and the water is wonderfully warm! I dunk under and then decide to just float around on a floatation device. I hop on the white and blue chair thing and float around the pool.
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Sam's POV
Marc- "thanks for the help sSam you can take a break for awhile, go for a swim or something" he says as he tightens a bolt underneath the car we've been working on for the past month. I nod.
Me- "thanks Marc, call me back if you need anything!" I open the garage door and walk across the street to change into some swim trunks. Since my parents are at work and my little brother is at a babysitter I'm home alone for most of the day. I change and walk back to the garage
Me- "I'll be in the pool. Just yell if you need help."
Marc- "will do." I walk to the back of the house and notice a towel, flip flops and a bottle of water just sitting out. I look in the pool and see Elexa floating around.
Me- "hi Elexa!"

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Elexa's POV
I jump and fall out of the chair and into the water. I come back up.
Me- "hi Sam! god you scared me!!" I laugh and he jumps in and swims over to me.
Sam- "how are you liking California?"
Me- "its completely different from where I live that's for sure. But I really like it. Or at least what I've seen witch would be the airport. McDonalds and the houses around here."
Sam- "I could show you around later!" I look at him
Me- "Marc put you up to this didn't he." He nods and I roll my eyes and swim to the edge of the pool and hop out.
Sam- "where are you going?"
Me- "no where? just laying down up here for a little while." I layout my towel the lay on my stomach while sam swims around.

Dad- "I made lunch for you guys. Come on in and eat." I groan and get up and walk inside followed by Sam, we sit at the table across from each other and eat.
Sam- "do you want to go for a walk?" I shrug and finish eating, I take my plate and set it in the sink after questioning where to set it.
Me- "I'Ll have to change first. But sure, give me 2o minutes so I can shower too!"
Sam- "I have to shower and everything too. I'll meet you back here."i nod and then he leaves. I have a plan. Maybe I can go home early if I get in trouble here... Or maybe I'll have to stay longer. Ugh. I don't know anymore. I go upstairs and take a quick shower and get changed. I put on my puzzle pice witch is the First piece. Jezebel and Tori have the other two pieces. I grab my phone just in case and head downstairs. I go outside and walk on the edge of the sidewalk trying not to fall off. After going back and forth for 5 minutes Sam comes out and walks over.
Sam-"are you ready?"
Me- "Yuup." I jump off the edge onto the road and almost loose my balance. Of course that happened to me. I blush a bit then get on the sidewalk and walk with Sam.
Sam- "why do you dislike your dad so much?"
Me- "its a long story. Plus, it's none of your business. I barely know you!"
Sam- "I guess."
Me- "what's school like here?"
Sam- "hard. Well for me it is. I suck at school"
Me- "the only reason I'm here is for school. I was failing almost every class."
Sam- "I was failing two classes last year but I got a passing fade. Just barely" we start talking about our grades. Witch leads to talking about friends.
Sam- "5 of my friends live around an hour away from here. All my other friends live closer. Speaking of friends. This Is my friends Cory and Jarrad's house" he points to a house as we walk by.
Me- "you have so many friends! I have 3. Summer, Jezebel, and Tori."
Sam- "I'm sure you have more friends then that."
Me- "nope. Everyone else was either my cousin or hated me because I refuse to smoke or do drugs."
Sam- "whoa." I nod
Me- "yup. That why I'm here also."

We end up staying out side for hours.
Sam- "come on this way!" he whispers I follow him since I have no clue where we are or how to get back home. He takes off into someone's backyard and I follow, we must've gone threw 8 backyards before he stopped running and I didn't know he stopped so I ran into him and fell. I know, I'm so graceful. I get up slowly because I hurt my ankle somehow when I fell. When I do get up Sam is starring at me oddly.
Me- "sorry..." he shakes his head and points to my shirt. I look down and see the buttons have come undone I quickly turn around and fix it.
Me- "don't ever say anything to anyone about this ever. or I'll cut off your arm with pliers." I say while blushing like crazy.
Sam-"o-okay. How about we just forget that ever happened." He awkwardly looks away then someone walks out of the house.
Sam- "hey Jarrad!"
Jarrad- "hi Sam! Who's this?"
Me- "I'm Elexa, I'm assuming your Jarrad." He nods
Sam- "we're just stopping by, we cut threw backyards. I'll be over tomorrow and we can hang out since I don't have to help Marc."
Jarrad- "alrighty! see ya tomorrow." He goes back inside and I just now notice he only has boxers on. Wow. I look at Sam
Me- "so, are we going home or are we just going to stand in his backyard at 9 pm."
Sam- "I kinda like it here" he smirks
Me- "no. Don't. Remember I have access to Power tools." I hit the back of his head. He starts running again and I follow even though I'm in a lot of pain. i follow him until we get to my house. Then I stop running and watch Sam run and jump into the pool. I laugh him for a good 3 minutes before shutting up.
Me- "good night Sam."
Sam- "night" I walk in and instantly get cranky because my dad has been waiting for me.
Dad- "you've been gone all day without telling me where you were going."
Me- "so? I'm not 9 Marc. If you haven't notice then there's something wrong with you!"
Dad- "I'd like to know where my daughters whereabouts are."
Me- " what's it to you?! it's not like I was out smoking or something- but that's what you think don't you." He doesn't answer and just looks down
Me- "I knew it. You're just like mom" I run upstairs and into my room then slam the door. Tho feeling is too familiar. I'm not going to waist all my tears on him. I'll take a bath. Yeah. I grab some pajamas and run the water, I take my phone out of my pocket and FaceTime Tori.
Tori- "heeyyy- why are you crying?!"
Me- "because of Marc. We fought because I didn't tell him I was going to be gone all day. Or where I was going. He thinks I'm still a little kid. Oh and he thinks I was smoking!"
Tori- "a little kid running around the streets smoking. Oh okay." I laugh a bit and turn off the water.
Me- "something really really extremely embarrassing happened when I was gone!"
Tori- "what did you do this time"
Me- "heeey! be nice. I was with Sam, he lives across the street and we went for a walk and them cut threw backyards then he suddenly stopped and I hurt my ankle and my stupid short opened up. Right there. In his friends backyard might I add. It was so embarrassing. I threaten to cut off his arm his he told anyone."
Tori- "oh prefect."
Me- "yeah. Oh and I had to run home in pain, then I fought with Marc." She nods and makes weird faces
Tori- "your water's going to get cold."
Me- "nah. It's actually boiling hot! so I'm good for another 15 minutes when I can actually get in the tub." We talk the whole time and I show her around my room and the view I have of outside.
Tori- "WHALE!" I burst out laughing, its an inside joke.
Me- "many whales. rape."
Tori- "you've ruined to beach for me forever. I hope you know that."
Me- "oh I know I have. I've ruined it for myself too." I hear a knock on my bedroom door.
Me- "I uh gotta go, someone is at my door... ill text ya later!"
Tori- "don't get pregnant and die!" I smile
Me- "no promises." Then hang up. I walk to my door
Me- "who is it and what do you want?"
Sam- "it's Sam and your dad sent me up to talk to you?"
Me- "hi Sam. Go away. I still barely know you and I'm not going to talk to you. Plus I have a bath waiting."
Sam- "a bath?"
Me- "yes a bath. With candles. It's relaxing okay." Sam chuckles
Sam- "alrighty then. I'll just tell your dad you're sleeping."
Me- "thank you" he walks away and go go back to the bathroom and light some candles and grab a book to read. It's what I do when I'm stressed. A nice book, warm bath. It's the cure forever urging stress full.

After 1 hour in the tub I decide to get out and change.
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I crawl into bed and curl up reading 'Possession' by Elena Johnson. It's one of my favorite books! After an hour of reading I fall asleep thinking about the main characters.

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