Chapter 32

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I wake up cuddled into Sam's chest and I can't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. I wiggle out of his grip, careful not to wake him. And look out the window, the sun is rising and there's a slight breeze blowing around some leaves, being a complete white girl I grab my phone and take a picture of the view. I put it on Instagram then go have a shower and change before the boys get up

(( ))

By the time I'm out, dressed and ready I thought they'd be up. But no, they're still fast asleep. I check the time


Which means Jezebel is up and probably waking up tori.

I jump on Kian's bed and take a pillow then start hitting him in the face repeatedly. He wakes up and rips the pillow out of my hands "what the fuck are you doing?" he says pissed off "waking you up. we have to find Jezebel and tori! So go get dressed" he groans and rolls out of bed and grabs clothes before heading into the bathroom to shower and change.

I jump from his bed to mine, I look down at Sam sleeping peacefully with his arms opened. Just inviting me in, I take the invitation and lay in his arms, he wraps his arms loosely around me and I'm engulfed with his scent (He smells like butterscotch and mint it's amazing).

I wish he would love me the way I love him, but I know he doesn't. why would he when he has model friends ya know?

ITS HIS BIRTHDAY SOON! I COMPLETELY FORGOT OH MY GOD! IM HORRIBLE! I'll have to get him something here, but what should I get him... Eh. I'll think of something eventually. I make a reminder to get Sam something. It'll probably be something cliché.

After ten minutes of laying there I decide to wake him so I sit up, go close to his ear and yell "GET YOUR LAZY UP!" he jolts up, eyes wide and looks like he's gonna pounce on something. I giggle "Kian's getting ready. When he comes out you get. Ready then were going to find which room Jezebel and tori are in" I say and smile "you should join me" he wink and I smile "already showered. Maybe next time if you get up earlier" I stick my tongue out at him and he pouts "shoulda woken me up earlier" he says pretending to be hurt "well I was letting you sleep in because I'm nice sometimes" I say and the. Kian gets out of the bathroom "stop planning to duck in the shower Jesus." He rolls his eyes "you're just jelly" I say then Sam goes into the bathroom.

By 9:45 we are out the door, I bring my suitcase with all the presents and we go to the lobby. "I'll ask the front desk you guys wait" I say and head for the front desk. There's a young man, in his late twenties spring at the desk. "Excuse me, what room Jezebel Waters is staying in?" I awkwardly ask, the guy goes through the computer "yes, she's staying in room 375" he smiles an I smile back "thank you so much" I say and walk back to Kian and Sam "room 375. Let's go!" I smile widely and push them to the elevator and click the button. In the way up we all fix our hair to make sure we all look fabulous.

The doors open and I get really excited "come on quickly!" I start running down the hall looking for room 375. I find it and look back and see Sam and Kian jogging to catch up to me, once they have I knock on the door three times. I hear a whispering then the door opens, I barge in "honey I'm home!" I squeal and hug tori and the Jezebel. They got look shocked and after a minute of realization they squeal. I giggle and the boys run in and they group hug then Sam hugs Jezebel "I can't believe we are finally meeting" she says as aha hugs him, after a minute they let go and Sam hugs Tori "happy birthday!" he says and squeezes her. Me bring weird I take a picture and set it as my lock screen.

"So wait. How long are you guys staying?" Jezebel asks "well. It's Friday and we leave Sunday so on sunday" Sam says

"What's in the suitcase?" Jezebel asks as Kian pulls her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her which he only does to his closest friends or the girl he likes. i open it "presents for both of you." I give them their presents "they're from Sam and Kian and I" I smile.

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