The Old made New

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Chapter 1

"Hello! My name is Y/n, I just bought this journal a day ago, I hope I can make memories with this^^ Anyways, Im off to school. Bye bye!!"

As I wrote the last sentence to my journal I close it and head off to the bathroom to put on my some-what "hideous" disguise commented by my brother. I look at myself at the mirror, "tsk, that dumbass has no taste" I say to myself reffering to my brother. A knock on my door send an echo around my room, it was my brother Caleb, speak of the devil himself.

"Hey, you gonna come to school or just stand infront of the mirror like a narcissist?" He said in a mockingly tone. "At least im not inlove with my own ass" I commented back "Oh shut up" I just giggled at his comeback and went out the house to my brothers car.


We arrived an hour before class, I told my brother to drop me off a place 3 minutes away from the school so that it wont seem suspicous of me hoping out of my brothers car.

I sigh and open my locker and reach out to take some of my books until a scream of what seems to be a woman echoed the halls. Me and my brother just enrolled in the school today so I wasnt rlly fond of it. I looked to my right and left and realized that everyone was looking at their phones. I tapped on a girls shoulder lightly and the girl along with the 2 girls twirled around and eyed me up and down.

"Hello, I'm new here, could you tell me why everyone seems to be on their phones?" I asked from pure curriosity. One of the girls just scoffed and another one started to explain to me while showing their phone. "See here, this is a groupchat for all the people here in the school, so that we know who the next red card is."

"Uh- red card?" It felt familiar, but I just asked them to correct my memory. "Ugh, have you been living under a rock all this time?! The red card is a system where F4 gives a card, aka the red card that is some-what some-how a system where students can do ANYTHING to the person with the red card. Don't tell me you need me to tell you who F4 is?" She said and scoffed at the end. Wow, how rude.

"Hmm, no I know them, If its alright with you girls I'll get going now." As i tried walking off one of them grabbed my wrist and started pulling me somewhere. "Hey! Let me go!" I yelled. "Relax, we're gonna show you how the red card system works, so just follow us" I followed them to an abandoned arena where a lot of students where, while the main floor has 3 chairs, and a few students holding down a person to the ground filled with water-like-mudd. "Watch closely" said one of the 3 girls.

3 men come in from the back-entrance of the arena, I'm guessing they're F4 but one of them was missing. One of them, I'm guessing Thyme, came closer to the person who was being held down, I tried to look closer and it turns out it was a GIRL?! Thyme said a few words that I wasnt able to make-out.

Thyme: since your little friend wasnt able to pay the price, you're gonna have to do it anyway.

A girl just stood there kneeling on the floor while crying. A few men made her stand up forcefully to make her look at Thyme.

"What are they doig to her?! Whatever she did I dont think she deserved to be punished this way!" I whispered-screamed at the 3 girls beside me. "How dare you say that you ugly slug!" They said while Grabbing my chin and forcefully turning it side ways from left to right, so I closed my eyes bracing for a few slaps judging by the girls attitude. They stopped waving my head from left to right so I opened my eyes to see a man grabbing one of the girls' wrist.

Ren? I thought to myself, I looked at him and he just pressed a finger to his lips as a sign to keep quiet, being the stubborn ass I am, I whispered-screamed at him "what are you doing?? Go save that gir--" before I could finish, he placed his hand on my lips then procceeded to go down the stairs.

I looked back at the main center of the arena and saw another girl comforting the girl that was being some-what harrassed by thyme. "Hana, are you ok?" So the girl's name is Hana? Nice. My thoughts wondered around until a few voices interrupted the silence. I spaced out a bit looking at 2 guys that some-what seemed like The other 2 men of F4, Mj and Kelvin? Is that right? I thought to myself.

A some-what "tap" on my shoulder woke me up from my ever-lasting spacing out, it was the 3 girls. "What are you doing? The show is over, everyone is leaving." Said one of them, then looked at the people that I seemed to be staring at "Omg! Dont tell me, you like Mj??" They started mocking me and saying some random stuff so I just sighed and said "No, I'm wondering where my brother went, so If you excuse me, its the end of school and I'll be going home now, adios mi vida!" I said and left, one of the girls tried to grab my wrist but I just slapped it away.

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