Miss Ex

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Gossips and whispers fill the halls as the students of Kocher High surround us. I quickly step forward infront of my father's business partners and clear my throat.

Me: Ahem .. now that we're here, I would like to show you around.

They nodded in response while some even gave a few yes-es.

I begin the tour by showing them the cafeteria, it had been the middle of the afternoon so it was already lunch time. I explain a few things to the business partners as a few sat down or looked around in awe.

At the back of my eye, I see those 3 same girls who had bullied me through-out my days in school have a shocked expression. I hear loud screams coming from a few girls socI quickly turn around to see F4 at the upper floor staring at us.

I look over to Mj, and I had eye contact with him for once second until he quickly turned away.  Blood rushes through my head as I pray to not have a mental break-down or burst of anger any time sooner. I calm myself down and as I looked back up, F4 was heading to their private lounge where you could see the whole cafeteria.

I look over to some of the girls, and it turns out Kavin had been flirting with them.



I quickly sigh and head towards my business clients.

Me: Shall we proceed to the classrooms? It seems as though the whole cafeteria is preoccupied wit--

I got cutt of as I hear Mj speaking over me.

Mj: oh come on now dear, did it really hurt you that much yesterday?

I turn around to see F4 on their lounge at the head of the cafeteria, conveniently enough, we were at the middle of the cafe so everyone could hear us.

I sigh to myself shake my head.

Me: Please dont make this too personal. Im just doing my job and touring them.

I hear a few chuckles coming from them.

Kavin: wow ! Miss ex over here is a tourist !

Before I could reply, Kavin turned around and asked 2 girls who were the daughters of my dads business clients for a date. I saw how uncomfortable they were so i quickly took them away from the cafeteria.

Me: I'm so sorry you had to experience that, Kavin can be a bit .. childish at times. Please understand.

I hear them letting out a burst of emotions as my eyes widen from the sudden reaction.

Me: w-what?!?? Whats wrong?? Did he do something?-

Girl 1: Omg, nothing is wrong! Didnt you see?? Kavin was so cute!!

I hear a few squealing from them as I sigh and turn back.


It was 6:30PM

And I had worn a black-floral designed dress with long sleeves and a pair o black floral boots with it.

And I had worn a black-floral designed dress with long sleeves and a pair o black floral boots with it

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