A day as F4

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Chapter 4


The day has set and the members of F4 where hanging out at Thyme's house with a bunch of random girls.

Kavin: Whaa I have never been so entertained in my entire life!

Ren: ofcourse, Thyme just got his ass whooped by 2 girls in one day.

Mj: Yeah, but I'm worried that he might give another girl a red card, she'll be the 3rd person to get one.

Kavin sighs and puts down his drink while putting an arm around a girls shoulder

Kavin: what is it with Thyme and girls? He just got so many girls in less than 4 hours.

Mj: It's a world record!

The 3 boys laugh together while watching Thyme throwing random things at the pool to calm his anger.

(Back with Y/n)

I open my locker slowly until I see something red hanging from the roof of my locker. NO. NAUR. NO. NOPE. NO. NAH. NO.

I exchange looks with Isa while people around us started to come after me, a person took my phone and procceded to try and make me go to the arena but I just hid somewhere until school was finished making sure I dont see my brother at home because he didnt want to help me ONE BIT.

A week later

I have been avoiding the red card for a week now until 3 men grabbed me while I was in the BATHROOM and ushered me to the arena. There I saw Luna and Isa kneeling down while their hands were being tightly held by 6 other men 3 on each person the same as me. There stood my brother, Thyme, Kavin, and Mj.

Thyme started walking over to me knelt down and lifted my chin only for him to meet my "I kill you, or I kill you balls" gaze that my cousins always teased me about.

Thyme: :You'll do something to me if I do anything to your friends you say, but It seems as though I havent been touched.

My head said RAGE. BULL. RED FLAG. MUST. KILL. after seeing my cousins beat-up beside me. That's when it finally drove me crazy when I--


The girl infront of Thyme looked so angry, unexpectedly, she head-butted Thyme and procceded to throw a few men across the arena, and started going for Caleb until a few more men came and grabbed her. Seriously, when will Thyme realize how stupid he looks.

Me: Thyme, this is going too far! They're just wome--


I stepped on the person behind me elbowed them on the stomach and punched him quickly to make a K.O move. I punched the one on my left and kicked him in the balls. I tried punching the guy in the right but they catched my fist and called out for more men

Thyme: what the hell?! How are all of you so weak! How can it take 7 men to hold down 1 dumb and ugly girl !

After a few more beatings, everyone left and F4 along with my brother just dragged Luna and Isa somewhere. It all went black and the last thing I saw was Mj looking down at me with either pitty or dissapointment, I couldnt really make it out until I woke up opening my eyes to a random room. I tried moving but my body wouldnt move, I looked to my side and it was Mj beside me sitting on the bed while playing on his phone.

Me: what game are you playing?

He looked at me and was surprised to see me awake.

Mj: oh, you're awake.

Me: you still didnt answer my question

I sat up while giving him an annoyed expression but he just chuckles and patts my head

Mj: Don't try that on me

Me: eesh!

Mj: come, let's have breakfast.


Mj: yeah, you took a pretty hard beating so when the guys left I took you and brought you here, originally I planned on treating your wounds here but I didnt want to wake you up because I assumed you would be really tired, so I just let you sleep here.. in my room..

Shock froze me not knowing that we were already in the dinning room, there another wave of shock hit me. IT WAS F4 AND MY BROTHER.

I stopped infront of a seat not wanting to be in the same room with that DEVIL OF A TRATOR. Let alone be in the same house as him. I sigh to myself and I turn to Mj who was about to sit in the head of the table

Me: thanks for healing my wounds, but I think its best for me to go now.

Kavin: are you sure? You need energy, you took a pretty big beating yesterday

Thyme: which was deserved.

Thyme added grining at me which I just sighed at.

Me: Yes I'm sure, but one question-- where is my bag?

Ren: are you sure you're going out without your clothes?

I look at my body AND I WAS IN A GUY'S PAJAMAS. Shock filled my face until a voice snapped me out.

Mj: Relax, the maid changed you, we're not that perverted.

I was relieved yet concerned but I just brushed it off when Mj suddenly walked over to me and grabbed my waist and started walking me to his room.

Mj: there's a fresh pair of clothes in the bathroom, you can use those.

Me: oh, ok ty

As I was about to close the door to the bathroom, Mj stopped it leaving a small space of eye contact between us. He opened the door leaned into my face and brushed something off while looking somewhere else of my face.

Me: uh, ty.

I quickly locked the door and my heart beat suddenly started speaking english 'GURL, THAT MAN'S GONNA GET YOU ASS WHOOPED FOR SUREE' I thought to myself on what my heart would say.

I quickly took a bath dried my hair and fixed my disguise before putting on the fresh uniform Mj gave me and got out of the bathroom, F4 and My brother were hanging out in Mj's room until they saw me and gestured for them to go to the school.

Mj: Y/n, you come with me

Me: uh, ok.

Everyone got into their respective cars while i sat in the back of Mj's motor. Before we went off, Mj grabbed my hand and placed it on his waste making sure I was secured.

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