The Truthful Lies

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Chapter 5

We arrived at the school, everyone was shocked to see me with F4, whispers and gossips filled the school, some people tried to take pictures of us but Kavin blocked some of them from taking pictures of us. I tap on one of F4's shoulder and I clear my throat and tell them that I needed to go, they just nodded and I made my way to the locker room.

I was putting my bag in my locker until someone pushed my head so strong that I nearly bumped my head at the ceiling of my locker, I felt long nails at the back of my neck that seemed familiar. That's when I knew it was the 3 girls that nearly kicked my ass. One of them made me turn around by pulling my hair while a few more girls swarmed around us taking pictures of me getting my hair pulled by one of the 3 girls and being banged on my locker. "How dare you hang out with F4! You dare think you have a chance with Mj! You slut!" She screamed at me while a few people just started making random comments about me, until someone pointed out something on my uniform.

"Hold on, this is Mj's name tag" said one of the girls, "you slut!! What did you do with Mj!" A few yelled, "She probably sleeps with random old men, how dare she seduce Mj" soon enough they banged my head stronger, faster, and harder on to the locker by the point that I nearly started bleeding until a girl screamed from the back of the crowd.

The crowd gently separated to reveal 2 girls that seemed familiar to me, OHH THOSE WHERE THE GIRLS WHO PISSED THYME OFF! I thought to myself. My legs gave in and i ended up falling to the ground causing everyone to step back a bit. The girl and Hana came to me and helped me sit near a bench. "Are you ok? We were kinda in the same situation as you, but it seems like yours was worse. I'm Gorya btw, and this is Hana" she gestured at Hana and I just smiled at her. Gorya left to a small corner to make a call and then suddenly Mj and my brother came.

Mj: Y/n! Oh my goodness, what the hell happened to you?!

He asked as he hugged me, one hand on my head and another on my back.

Caleb: Hey, back off Mj, she's bleeding.

I chuckle, making Caleb flinch a bit

Me: as if you care.

The rest of F4 and my cousins came breaking the small fight between Me and my brother.

Ren: you're bleeding a lot from your head, how the hell are you still alive?!

Me: that's cause its not my real head.

Everyone but my brother and cousins were shocked

Thyme: what do you mean by that?! A person has only 1 head.

I chuckle and unwrap my plastic mask off that was atatched to my wig.

Me: surprise.

I give them a small wink as they stand there in shock

Gorya: eh?? Wha--

Before she could finish, Thyme pulled her to some room causing Hana and the F4 members chasing after her Leaving me with Caleb, Isa, Luna, and Mj.

Mj: so, you're gonna tell me your leg is fake too?

I laugh at his statement but shake my head 'no' to confirm his theory.

Caleb: well then, since you know already, everything's over now.

Isa and Luna start giggling causing Caleb Mj and I to flinch and look at them.

Mj: what's so funny?

Luna: It's not the end yet, we still have a small little strategy.


Screams of ladies fill the halls as a figure has been bridal-style carrying a person through the cafeteria.

It was Mj and Y/n.

The 3 girls stand there in shock while Gorya and Hana cheer on knowing the plan Luna had hatched.

(Y/n POV)

Mj carrued me bridal style to a small hang-out place for F4 to stay at during lunch time and I just whisper to his ear a few questions to make sure he's a but entertained knowing that I'm a fat ass donkey that might be really heavy for him.

We reached the hang-out and gently puts me on a seat, Gorya Hana, and the others followed and soon F4, Me, My brother, My cousins, Gorya, and Hana where all there.

Kavin: woww some type of plan you guys hatched

Everyone laughs but I completely forgot about the wounds on my legs and hiss at the burning feeling on my feet. Ren came and knelt down healing my wounds.

Thyme: funny thing is we're always protecting you, this is like the 2nd time you got injured.

Me: yeah! cause of your red card!

I shoutted teasingly and everyone just laughs, I saw Luna whisper something to Mj and he just nkdded in response with a smirk.

Me: what u guys whispering about?

I asked dumb-founded

Mj: the final stage of revenge.

Me: wha-? I thought there was only one sta-

Beforr I could finish Mj made me stand up and grabbed my waist. We looked front on the cafeteria where everyone can see and hear us, so Mj and the others cleared therr throats.

Kavin: We have an announcement to make.

With that the cafeteria grew silent and everyone started eyeing us. I saw the 3 girls from earlier, one of them raised an eye-brow and the other crossed their arms at me.

Thyme: from today on, I will cancel Gorya, Hana, Luna, Isa, and Y/n's red card, so from here on out you may leave them alone as policies to the red card.

The cafeteria grew with gossips and whispers until Mj cleared his throat.

He came closer to me, placed his arms around me and placed his head near my ear. TOO CLOSE. TOO CLOSE TOO CLOSEEEEE

I whispered-screamed at Mj "MJ, WHAT ARE YOU DOING"

Mj: From here on out, me and Y/n will be dating. So if any of you dare say anything about her or try something on her, it will be a dirrect threat to a death wish from me. Do you all understand?

Everyone stood there silent, some even dropped to the floor or dropped their trays and start to whine.

Me and Mj? I never thought of it before. My spacing out was interupted by a sturdy masculine figure that came nearer on my back until Mj whispered into my ear. "Thank me later, baby" he said in a teasingly way enough for some of the girls to hear it and stand in shock. Baby, baby? Human baby? BABY.. BABY?! BABY AS IN BABE, HUNNY, DARLING, BABY?!

My mind wondered not realizing thay Mj took his hands off me and someone was tapping on my shoulder continuously.

Luna: Y/n, Y/n!

I shaked my head and turned to face Luna until she pointed at me with one hand and the other covering her mouth.

Luna: guys look! Y/n looks like a strawberry!


The group started teasing me until i turned into a literal cherry. We laughed at the comments some people made and had a good time together and headed off from school.

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