Final Goodbye

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Chapter 25

I wake up at around 1 hour before noon infront of the hot blaze of sun as my ears ring the voice of Ms. Beah's worrying. I blink my eyes open trying to wake up and see what's going on. As I look infront of my eyes before me, My great parents had been yelling at each-other and waving their hands in the air.

Ms. Beah: She needs to wake up!! The more she does this the more its a habit!

Mr. Goy: But Sweety, Teenagers need their rest, especially after a funeral!

I find myself making a snort or two as I see the old couple bicker in such a small idea just to wake me up. I speak up before they eventually get to the point of divorcing over me sleeping.

Me: alright, alright, I'm awake. I dont want any of this to go far south so please stop arguing.

Ms. Beah: Oh Honey, you're finally awake. You skipped breakfast!

Me: Yes, yes, but why out of all the days, you picked today to wake me up?

Mr. Goy: Sweety, you're late for school by 4 hours. We started getting concerned.

I feel as though my eyes widdened as shock overcame me. I quickly open my side-cabinet, got my tablet and check the date today. It was apparently a school-day, But something else had caught my attention.

A notification just arrived and it was one of The News channels in Thailand. I quickly open it and there is a live-stream of news talking about a major couple out-break between Thyme and Lalita I quickly signal Mr. Goy and Ms. Beah to sit beside me as I max the volume of my tablet.

The News reporters was talking about what happened late last night in Fb as Thyme had officially changed his love status to "with Lalita" . Many had theories if it was a marketing strategy for views, or they were just really in-love. But the truth lied within the walls of Thyme's family.

After the live-stream ended, I call Gorya and place it on speaker mode. The lady in my phone just said her device was off so I just threw the ipad somewhere on the bed, dismissed my secretary's and got ready.


Isabel and Luna decided to go to a club to get a few drinks in enlightenment for the recent news that's been tossed around lately.
After we got a few drinks we decided to head home to avoid pedophiles while we were still sober.

As I was walking out to the exit I see Mj and Lalita Bickering about something and I just stand there and watch as I see Mj place a finger to Lalita's Forehead.

Me: eesh, that guy.

I take a few steps closer to see 2 girls behind Mj. As he was about to turn away, Lalita suddenly screamed something that nearly sent me to my great-grand-ancestors.

Lalita: What about our baby I'm carrying?!

I froze as my legs nearly gave up to gravity as I just watched what had unfold infront of me.

Lalita had slapped Mj and started crying, while he just tried to tell the 2 girls behind him it was a mistake, they quickly ran off.


I faked my howls and cries until the girls were gone in the blink of an eye. I turn around to check if there was anyone watching and to my surprise Y/n was there. She was as pale as snow, I also see a few tears rolling down from her eyes as she looked at us with shock.

I quickly scoffed and tried to explain the situation, but she quickly ran for the exit. I look to my right and see that Mj had been going after her.

Me: Wait! Guys! Listen to me! Wait up!!

As I wonder off to a few rooms trying to find out where they went to silence over took as I find myself outside waiting at a near-by column as I see Mj facing towards Y/ns back. I wasnt that far from them so I was able to hear their convo.


Mj: It's not what it looks like-

Me: It doesnt matter what It looks like, we cut our ties, and ended our relationship. I am no longer a person, but a stranger to you.

I said in between a few swallows and tears as I wipe them away trying not to feel too weak to even speak to the man I used to know.

Mj: then why are you crying?

Me: then why did you run after me?

I feel him pull me while making me turn around facing him.

Mj: please, answer me.

There was a deep silence until he finally let go of me and stood there patiently.

Me: I just.. I just dont want those girls to end up like us. We got too serious and eventually it broke us. Or, it broke me at least. When I heard Lalita was with child of your Blood, I thought you would become such a... I just dont know how to explain it anymore .

Mj: you know very well I wouldnt do that. Look, I do flirt with women a lot, but I wont turn into a pedophile after just a one-night-stand.

A silence again made its way in between us as the night shivers cold as the wind travelled away.

Me: then I guess there is no longer a reason for me to be here. It's obvious we, or I, am still not over you. This time, we'll separate our ties for good.

We both sigh as I try to walk away, until I hear Lalita say my name as she runs towards us.

As she bends down to breath for air, she starts panting in exhaustion explain what happened.

Lalita: Y/n, I'm sorry for doing that. I didnt know you guys used to actually be serious. And that's rare coming from Mj. I took it too far when I said I was with child with Mj just to annoy him into telling me info about Thyme. I didnt know you were there. I'm so sorry.

I sigh as I just pat Lalita on the shoulder and accept her apology. Mj had offered to give us a ride home so  I thought, why not?

After Lalita came home, the rest of the car-ride was silent as I sat on the back seat to the right watching Mj as he drove. I looked at myslef in the drivers Mirror before locking eyes with Mj for a tiny moment. His eyes go back to the road, as mine go to the window as I pick a rain-drop to see which wins the race.

Once I finally made it to the front of my gate, one of my maids was there holding an umbrella for me. I took it and dismissed her so that she wouldnt stay up too late at night. I shared the umbrella with Mj for a bit before I finally spoke up.

Me: you know, I'm really gonna miss you.

Mj: me too. It wont be the same as usual, but I can bare with it.

Instead of silence, only rain could be heard in another few miles. The only thing infront of me was Mj. The one and only Mj who I've gone through hard shit with for months.

I take a small tip-toe and give him a small peck on the lips for the very last time.

Me: just for now.

I let go of the umbrella and give it to Mj as I run back to the house im hopes of not getting wet. I look down from a window and see that Mj was looking at me before he waved goodbye and left.

(Authors Note)

Alright, I would like to sincerely apologize for this malfunction on this chapter, when i posted it it had hust scrambled letters. This is the re-published version.🙇‍♂️

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