Play the Played Piper; New

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Chapter 8


I slowly placed her in her seat and closed the car door. I look back across the river and her ex was still there, I slowly got in the car. 

Me: are you alright?

Y/n slowly nods while tugging on my jacket.

I take out a basket of food from the back and give her something to munch on, so as I.

Me: you can explain while eating, that way you can stay calm.

Y/n: alright, brace yourself.

I took a big bite off my sandwich and gave her a re-assuring smile, she smiled widely back. That smile. It warmed me for some reason. 

Y/n: So I have 9 ex boyfriends, he is my 3rd ex, one of my most possessive ex's.

Me: 9??

Y/n: Hey! It's better than Kavin! He literally has like-- 9 girls a day!

I laugh as she takes a small bite from her food.

Y/n: and ever since I broke up with him, he's became more and more obsessive. There was this one period of time here my cousin Luna kept talking to random guys because of her break-up with her boyfriend. So they kept playing with her, and everyday she would come home crying. So I decided I would play them, but after all of those moments of me playing them, they either end up in a coma or severely injured because my ex thought that I was actually "dating" them.

Me: wow..

My eyes widen while I take another bite of my food. She laughs at my reaction with a heartily smile. Seriously she should smile more often. Kinda cute. I look back from across the river, I see that her ex was gone.

Me: oh look your ex is gone.

Her smile faded as she looked at my side window until a person knocked on it. It was her ex. I looked back at her and see if she's alright, she seemed a bit traumatized so I lean into her and put her seat belt on, just when I realized there where a bit of crumbs on her lips, I took out my hand and cupped it on her face while making my thumb remove the crumbs off.


He took the crumbs off my lips and got back to his seat before opening his car window to see my ex. I stood there frozen while heat rushed from my neck to my head. STOP BLUSHING STOP BLUSHING STOP BLUSHING. I said in my head, while another wave of-- HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND followed after. I snapped back to reality as I hear a voice calling for my name. It was my ex.

Ex: Earth to Y/n?

Me: O-oh, yeah hello.

Ex: It's been a long time ever since we've seen each other.

Me: Y-yeah. 

I gave Mj the look of 'DO SOMETHING. ANYTHING.' and he understood the assignment.

Ex: Hey Mj, did you actually know that me and Y/n used to date?

My ex said with a smirk, causing Mj to raise a brow and grab my thigh. WHEN I SAID DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING I DID NOT MEAN THIS. I just stayed there flinching on my seat a bit until Mj finally spoke up.

Mj: oh really? Well I'm sorry to tell you, but Y/n and I are already dating, so if you're looking for another chance with her, she's taken.

His smirk dropped from Mj's words as he stepped back from the car.

Ex: ahh ok, sorry for interrupting you. If that's it, I'll be on my way now.

Before leaving, he flashed me a glair as Mj rolled up his car window and began driving back to the house. It was already night and the city looked beautiful with all its lights. We came to a stop with the traffic lights and that's when it hit me.

Me: Mj, what will you do with the police? You went over a red light.

Mj: my secretary has it covered.

Me: alright

It turned into a green light and we started driving again. I looked over to the jacket Mj gave me until a sight distracted me from analyzing its features. that's when it hit me. Again. MJ'S HAND WAS STILL ON MY THIGH. His grip tightened a few times causing me to flinch. It took me a few minutes to get the urge to tell him that his hand was on my thigh. I kept staring at his hands on my thigh, to his face back and forth until he took my hand and held it with mine.

Mj: Don't worry, you're safe. I'll protect you.

I chuckle at his words making him look at me for a moment then back to the road.

Me: that's what everyone said. But eventually they failed to do so, are you sure you can protect me?

I looked over to the window looking like a hot headed mess, realizing that we were already in the house. Mj chuckled causing me to flinch a bit until he grabbed my chin causing me to look at him straight in the eye. I looked back and forth between his lips and his eyes. DAMN HE'S HOT. I said in my head. Mj spoke up

Mj: That's cause they didnt love you enough.. while me.. 

He leaned in closer to me causing me to look so close at him.

Mj: Well let's find out.

He cupped my cheeks and kissed me and I just sat there frozen. I closed my eyes and kissed back. I placed one of my hands on his face and one on his neck. The kiss lasted us 3 minutes until I pulled back running out of breath. We got back to our seats until we noticed that there where a few people in front of the car. It was F4, my cousins, Caleb, Gorya, Kaning, and Lele where standing in front of us. We both looked at each other and quickly got out of the car. As soon as we got out Mj tried to talk to my brother.

Mj: Caleb I can explai--

Before Mj could finish Caleb placed at fist to Mj's face causing him to stumble back a bit.

Caleb: what the hell do you think you're doing to my sister?!

Soon they started fighting causing the rest of F4 to usher us back inside the house while Mj and Caleb where fighting. Lele didnt listen and just took Mj so I rushed in and tried to block Caleb from doing anything else to Mj, but Mj got out of Lele's grasp and gently placed me to the side.

Mj: You're saying that I can't love your sister?!

Mj punched Caleb causing him to stumble back.

Me: Yeah, cause I know you're just gonna give her pain!

Caleb punched Mj making him stumble to the floor until he got up slowly and grabbed my brother by the collar and placed him to a wall.

Mj: How dare you say that! So you're saying that you can date people while your sister cant love anyone?! I care for her and love her you selfish asshole! Not only you!

He pointed at me while I just stood there in shock. Me? out of everyone, he likes.. me?

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