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As the words slip out of Hana's mouth. Everything around me turned white as theur voices faded into the light.

Married ..?!?!!! My eyes widened from the word as I hear Hana calling me back from the white flash.

Hana: Y/n, Y/n !!

I close my eyes and swallow hard before setting Hana aside and confronting Mj.

Me: Mj, are you serious about this? Are you really dating Hana? You should have told me. What about that nigh--

I tugged in his hand as he just slaps it away. I stumble back but I feel big hands around my waist and see Ren behind me. I give him a small nod as a thanks as I turn back around to face Mj.

Mj: stop asking so many questions. My father was right. You were clingy. I didnt know how I didnt realize this sooner, but I was blind to date you.

I feel my eyes starting to water but I give a big inhale to push them back.

Me: If thats what you want then, fine. Just dont come looking for me at the end.

I leave their table as I hear a small snicker from Mj and Hana while F4 has a small fight about the whole situation.

As the last few steps I take from exiting the building, my body felt heavy as I dropped on my knees gripping the ground. Tears streamed down on my face as I held the concrete ground scratching it with my nails. I hear a sigh from my right as I look up and see my brother.

He had his arms and feet crossed while leaning on a pilar.

I quickly wipe away any tears before he starts to mock me.

Me: what do you want?

I tried to steady my voice but in the end it turned out shakey.

Caleb: I told you so.

I banged a fist on the concrete while blood started to form on my nuckles.

I scream as if there was a crowed surrounding me in order for someone, anyone to hear me.

Me: Shut up! Just Shut up!

I take my fist from the ground and cover my face knowing the agony was too ugly to be seen.

I feel a coat wrapped around my shoulders as I look up to see my brother. I quickly hugged him as I burried my face on his shoulder listening to his advice.

I hear a sigh from him as he pats my back lightly trying to comfort me.

Caleb: I know this hug may not solve your heartbreak, but please hang in there for all of us. Deep down there is a darker and more horrifying truth than what had just unfolded. So I need you to be strong, got it?

I give out a small pout as I softly hit Caleb's chest in annoyance.

Me: is this supposed to cheer me up or think of it as a horror story!??

I hear a chuckle from my brother as we pull out of our embrace.

Caleb: All of the truth will be revealed tomorrow.

Caleb hands me a white envelope with golden writings on it.

I open the envelope and take out the card hiding inside just to be read.

I read a few paragraphs as every few sentences made my eyes widden. Tomorrow was going to be a big announcement for the Paramaanantra family and Jarustiwa family.

I look up at my brother who was now leaning on a near-by column.

Caleb: There will be an important announcement there. Best for you not to miss it especially since it will impact both you and Gorya at a great cost.

I let out a sigh before placing the envelope in my pocket and saying my goodbye's to my brother before heading back to the car.

Kaning: Y/n, what took you so long, are you alright?

They started facing towards me as if I had just been possessed by something.

Luna: Look! ----Her eyes are--- -puffy!

Luna had still been a bit sober so it was hard to makeout what she was saying between her hics.

I felt a bit unsure on what to say so we just headed back home.


I flop down on my bed and let out a loud grunt. Today was a really tiresome day. I look to my side as I hear a ringtone coming from my phone.

I pick it up not moving from my spot and see the "unknown" number who kept on calling me. I place the phone by my ear as I press answer and just lie down preparing for their words.

Unknown number: tomorrow is D-DAY. Are you ready for whats coming to you?

Me: mmmm

I let out a grunt and hang up the phone before slowly drifting off to sleep.


I decided to skip school and just text Gorya to excuse myself for me because my father's business aquaintants from abroad are currently staying at the mansion and I have to escort them through Bangkok. I switch through a bit of outfits until I decided to wear a white shirt with longg sleeves and black shorts.

I decided to keep it classic in order not to stain my fathers reputation on his company as it was still rising

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I decided to keep it classic in order not to stain my fathers reputation on his company as it was still rising.

I go downstairs and see my Secretaries Mr. Goy and Ms. Beah sitting near a couch organzing a few files. They see me walk up to them as I sit across where they were sitting.

Mr. Goy: Goodmorning young mistress, have you perhaps eaten yet?

I sigh and slouch back on the couch as I nod my head to his answer.

Me: there's nothing good about Mornings unless its saturday.

We all agreed and got into a political conversation. As soon as the guests where ready we began the tour of Thailand. At the end they requested to go to kocher high school, and knowing that if i say no my father would literally just kick me out the house any second, I had just showed them the way.

We arrived at the school and everyone seems to be looking at us.

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