Play the Played Piper; Discovered

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WARNING; A few sexual moments


After my performance everyone slowly approached me

Kaning: Y/n, you didnt tell us you could dance!

Y/n: I'm an artist, ofcourse I can dance.

I looked over at Mj sitting on one of the seats. Pay back? This is just getting started. There was a girl sitting on him, probably the one he was making out with, they started walking towards us and the girl introduced herself.

The girl: Hello, I'm Mj's girlfriend, Lele.

Me: Hello, its Y/n

Lele: Oh, I've heard a lot about you!
Werent you the one who stormed off from the casino? What a shame of you to do so--

EXCUSE ME? THAT BOYFRIEND OF YOURS WAS THE ONE WHO STORMED OFF, NOT ME. I cut her off by correcting her statement.

Me: actually, that boyfriend of yours was the one who stormed off.

I said and giggled, the others just watched right there as I walked over to a seat behind Lele as our shoulders touch. She turns around to look at me with eyes full of rage.

Me: I'm pretty sure your boyfriend gave you miss-leading information, would you like me to correct that?

She grew pale and started looking around the room.

Lele: W-well, my boyfriend is too loyal for that, I'm pretty sure he won't lie to me.

I chuckle and walk to her taking my phone and taking out a video and showing it to her.

Me: this is a video of your 'boyfriend' announcing im his some-what lady, It's been posted for like- weeks ago, and it also went viral, are you sure he's loyal or are you deniying it--

I got cut off by Lele pushing me. Eventually Ren catched me. BITCH WENT TEMPTED MODE RIGHT THERE.

Lele: Yes, I'm sure, now if you dont mind i would apreciate it if you would stop talking smack about me and my boyfriend.

I walked over to her enough so that our faces are really close.

Me: honey, I'm just helping you face the truth.

I put my hands in my pocket and walked to the door, until I heard a small yell from Lele as she pulled my hair causing everyone to gasp or shout. As i was about to fall down I stomp on her foot and grab her hand causing her to stumble a bit. We came to a pause and I just glared at her.

Me: go on.

I said as the room is filled with silence, as she was about to slap me I braced myself until Kavin and Mj came over to pull us out of the fight, Kavin was bear-hugging Lele while Mj was doing the same to me. I stopped flinching and moving around in his embrace calming down. HOW STRONG IS THIS MF? My back felt his abs against me so it kind of felt weird so I spaced myself with his body but he missunderstood and just pressed my body against his stronger. Mj whispers into my ear a few words.

Mj: Y/n, control your anger, if not I'm gonna do it for you.

I didnt know what he meant by that but he started pulling me out of the gym and out of my house into his car, while the others just watching us while Lele's screams fade away.

Me: what are you doing?! Where are we going?!

Mj: to get some answers from you.

He started driving really fast avoiding the traffic lights.

Me: Mj, slow down!

Mj: not until you give me some answers.

Me: what answers? I dont know what you're talking about!


I started speeding up, and before I knew it I heard a shriek from Y/n. I really didnt want to believe that she's the other mafia's leader, but it just broke me.

Me: Confess now! Or I'll drown us to that river!

I screamed, it was the 1st time I yelled at a girl like that.

a few minutes later, we were near a river, so i stopped in front of it. I heard a small sniff from Y/n so I turned to her and realized that she was crying. I thought it was another act she was trying to pull on so I just got out of the car and pulled her by the wrist near a bench. It was horrifying. I was shaking by the looks of her fear for me. What have I done? I stopped and made her sit down. She turned around refusing to make eye-contact with me.

Me: I'm sorry.. I-I don't know why I did that

She took a few sniffs and just chuckled. Honestly, what's with this girl?

Y/n: It's alright i guess.. you know men, they will do anything when someone does something to the person they love.

Me: Yeah.. how do you know?

It grew silent for a few minutes until Y/n had pulled me near her by the collar to sit down next to her. She whispered into my ear, and my face dropped.

Y/n: It's because my ex is stalking us.

She pulled away and looked over to the parks surrounded by the river. She pointed at the park across the river on the left side, and I see a man having a picnic with a lady.

Y/n: that's my ex, he used to torture me because I would refuse to kiss him because it would be my 1st kiss.

Hearing all this information, I turned her back to my face, and hugged her from behind.

Y/n: wha-- what are you doing?! you have a girlfrien--

I cutt her off whispering into her ear as I noticed that her ex was now glaring at her from across the river.

Me: Don't think about that woman right now. Your ex is watching, and it would be fair for us to give him a show. 

She turns around with a worried expression, that makes my brows scrunch together.

Y/n: N-no, you don't get it. He's my 3rd ex, and ever since I've been dating other guys he wont stop following me. He followed me to japan, korea, taiwan, and even here, you and arent safe!

Me: Ok, ok then. Slow down. let's go to the car. You can explain everything there.

I slowly take off my jacket and place it around her to make sure she's alright, I slowly guide her to the car while making sure her ex was still across the river. 

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