The Strange Ending

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Chapter 27

Caleb handed me his phone and told me to call Mj and Kavin. I quickly dial their numbers and they picked up immediately.

Kavin: Caleb, have you seen Gorya??

Me: It's me, Y/n, I'm with Caleb right now, and Ren is onconscious, come here quickly!

Kavin: Alright, we'll be on the way.

A few minutes later, Kavin and Mj arrived while eyeing on Ren unconscious at the back of his car.

Caleb: What do we do??

Kavin: Hello?? Did you not graduate?? We bring him to the hospital of course!

Mj: quit bickering! Just go bring him to the hospital, I'll call Thyme.

Me: I'll do it, I can drive anyway.

I quickly look around Rens pockets and spot the key to his car. I quickly turn on the engines and went for the hospital while the other 3 men give intel to Thyme about Talay's whereabouts.

I get out of the car and run to the staff for help on carrying Ren, they quickly placed him on a bed and started examining his head incase of any brain damage. Luckily, he didnt bleed on the head but had a few spots of blood around his body. After they had examined him, I asked the doctor if it was alright for Ren to be transfered into another room. I made sure Ren was comfortable so that his injuries wouldnt cause much of a problem for moving once he had been awoken.

Around 40 mins had passed by and I saw Ren squinting his eyes in pain from some of the injuries in his sleep so i decided to go and get him a few more blankets because the sheets in the hospital were oh-so slim and the ac was as cold as a blizzard.

As I walked back to Rens room while holding the blankets on my hand, 3 men had tackled me. I tried yelling from the top of my lungs but nothing could work. The only thing that landed on my mind was what would they do with Ren without someone guarding his resting body.

The 3 guys had dragged me out of the hospital from a back-enterance and had proceeded to bring me to the parking lot. I tried stepping on their feet with my heels but it was no use of trying to break free. They had placed a handkercheif on my mouth and nose earlier so it was hard to breath, and I knew I was soon to faint. Just then, the struggling had been less difficult to break free as I didnt feel any men around me. I quickly turn around to see the one and only, Caleb, Kavin, and Mj right behind with a bat that knocked out the 3 guys. I quickly gesture that I was tied up and Caleb quickly took out his pocket knife.

Kavin: Man, its like they're everywhere!

As the last few ropes had been undone, I kneel on the floor as my hands cant help but grip on the parking lot ground as my throat yearned for the fresh air it was longingly finding for a few minutes.

Caleb: Oh my God, are you okay Y/n? Here, rest on me.

I had placed a hand over Caleb's shoulder as he helped lift me up from the ground.

Mj: you're lucky we got here just in time, we wanted to check on Ren to see how he's doing, and we end up seeing u getting kidnapped by a bunch of people that Talay had ordered around.

I scoff and just gesture him to follow me into the hospital and into the room Ren was silently resting on, luckily those men hadn't touched a single hair on his head, so we quietly and paciently waited for Thyme to give an update or any news about Talay and Gorya's whereabouts.

It was around 1pm when I woke up to see Ren awake and the guys eating while chatting off with a few laughters coming out here and there. I smile to myself as I just rub my eye while fixing myself to go home. I was walking to the door when I heard a familiar voice call out to my name.

Ren: Hey Y/n, try out this soup, the chef in the hospital isnt that bad.

Me: no thanks, I'll just go visit Gorya for a bit, which room number is she?

Kavin: #207

Me: thanks, eat well and get better soon Ren

Caleb: Hey! What about me??

We exchange laughs and I quickly exit the door and head for Gorya's room. Before going in, I look through the glass door to see Kaning and knock in it quietly. Kaning gave me the go signal so I just opened the door slowly and closed it as I eyed Gorya's sleeping body.

Kaning: Hey Y/n, did you sleep well?

Y/n: not really, but how is Gorya? Is she holding up well?

Kaning: She seems alright, I just hope she'll wake up soon.. I felt so scared when I heard the news about her Thyme and Talay.

Y/n: I was pretty terrified too, but you know, It's Gorya, she has the head of a rock, and the mouth of a speaker.

We laugh and talk a bit until it was finally time for me to go home and get ready for my flight to go back to the Philippines.

As I go to the parking lot, Caleb stopped by and offered me a ride. I wanted to refuse but he reminded me that I didnt have a car so I wouldnt be able to go home, so I just laughed it off and accepted his request.


I hug my brother tightly for about 4-5 minutes before finally hearing the airport announce the flight to the Philippines was about to take off in a few minutes. I quickly say my last words to then and rush off in hopes of not missing my flight.


I see her rushing off to her flight, while I hear a few panting breaths behind me as I look and see that It was Mj, Kavin, and Ren tugging on my shoulder to help catch some air.

Me: Oh? Where have you guys been? You just missed Y/n actually.

Kavin(in between pants): She .. L-left?!! Eesh you darn !! Mj !!

I laugh as I se both men pissed at Mj as he just tries to catch his breath.

Mj: blame traffic man! I came here as soon as I found out she was leaving!

Ren: ha?? You love her but you dont even know if she's leaving the country or not? Bogus, man !

I laugh to myself again as I just put my arm over their shoulder.

Me: she'll be back, just wait and you'll see. Now let's find a way to prank Gorya.


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