Civil War

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It was 11pm as Mj closed the car seat and proceeds to lead me to the gate.

Me: are you sure you dont want to stay? It's dark, and goodness knows what happens if my ex might--

He cutt me off by embracing me and putting his chin on my head while stroking my hair.

Mj: Relax, I'll be alright. I have body guards near my room and a few surrounding your house.

I gently put my hands to his back slowly embracing him. For once in a long time, I never felt the warmth of a person near me for so long. It felt so relaxing I nearly slept in his arms until he pulled away.

Mj: you should head in, It's late.

I nodd and proceed to open the gate until I came to a stop.

Mj: whats wrong?

I turned around and did a sort of penguin walk to him. As we were just inches far away to each other I tiptoed to his face and give him a small peck on the cheek before running back to the gate. That will be sure to make him dream a lot tonight.

Mj: ya! You sneaky girl!

I look back and wave a hand as Mj just got in his car and left. I enter the mansion just to see My 2 secretary's waiting for me.

Mr. Goy: Young Mistress, its late, are you alright?

Me: I'm fine, just a bit sleepy. What about you guys? Its late, you should go to bed soon.

Ms. Beah: We were worried that something might of happened to you until..

Me: until what?

A servant handed them an ipad as Ms. Beah was some-what scrolling through something. She stopped scrolling and handed me the ipad gently as I take a seat in a near by couch.

Ms. Beah: we told the security guards to update us immediately if they saw you and..

I look at the video presented on the ipad and see a video of me at the entrance with Mj.

Mj: ya! You sneaky girl!

As i see the clips of us, the moments flashed through my mind as if it happened weeks ago. I felt like I was turning red so I quickly closed the ipad, gave it to the servant while giving them a small bow and hanging my head.

Me: u-uh, that's all for today. Goodnight!!

I quickly raced to the stairs as if I was playing mariocart and dashed to my bedroom. I quickly banged my door shut as my heart kept beating rapidly.


I close my locker making sure it was shut well until I see Mj leaning on the locker at my left side arms crossed, Kavin leaning on the right side from my locker with his hand as support holding the top of the locker, while Ren was sitting on a bench infront of my locker. I look around in confusion not knowing what they're planning.

Me: u-uh- what's going on?

Kavin just sighs as he puts his back to the locker and slides down.

Mj: you really dont know?

Me: no, no, why?

Kavin: hey, are you sure you picked the right girlfriend Mj?

I put my fist in the air ready to punch him but Mj gently puts a hand to my elbow that was in the air.

Mj: don't, he'll just waste your time.

Kavin: eesh!

I sigh and sit next to Ren on the bench keeping a small distance away from him so that Mj wont get mad.

Me: can you guys just get straight to the point?

Kavin just sighs before speaking until Ren cut him off.

Ren: they want you to do a face reveal.

Me: what? Why? Didnt they already see my face when they did the announcement?

Kavin: yeah right, your quote and quote "disguise"

Me: Hey! At least nobody knows yet!

It turned silent until A thought crossed my mind.

Me: oh yeah, where did Hana go?

They all exchanged looks before Kavin slapped a hand to his head.

Kavin: where have you been these past few days??

Me: In school?? What about you?? With some random chicks??

I glared at him while Ren let out a small laugh.

Ren: alright enough you two. Hana decided to leave the school.

It all turned quiet again until I broke the silence

Me: Ohh ok, I heard some rumors about what she did to Gorya, I still cant believe she did that.

Mj: that's why you shouldnt trust people too often.

I let out a small giggle causing Mj to look at me with his brows stitched.

Me: Alright! No need to lecture us!

I giggle as I take my bag and head to my classroom. I hear a group of boys shouting something to me and I just assumed it was F4

Ren, Kavin, Mj: But you have to make an announcement!

Me: yes yes!

I turned around and gave them a wide smile.

Me: I'll do it after school before everyone leaves!

I turn back around and head to my classes.


It was the end of classes and I went to the cafeteria to find F4. Surprisingly they were somewhere else. A familiar "tap" rests' on my shoulder as I turn around and see the 3 girls.

Girl 2: Hey, I know that you're Mj's girlfriend, but back off. We all know you have a small chance.

I step forward causing them to flinch a bit.

Me: oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?

Girl 3: Hey! You should shut your mouth. You're the mosy shadiest peasant in here!

They started laughing until another girl spole up.

Girl 1: you know what? You have even more of a slimmer chance of staying with Mj for a long time than with Gorya and Thyme!

They started laughing and anger rushed through my veigns. I pushed the girl in the middle causing her to stumble back and fall.

Girl 2: you asshole! Who do you think you are to do that?!

Me: I'm Mj's girlfriend you nutjobes!

They helped her up as The girl in the middle grabbed my hair from the back causing me to stumble a bit. Normaly I would try to defend myseld but I wanted to see what happened.

Girl 3: watch that mouth of yours bitch! We all know Mj wouldnt actually protect you, he's probably somewhere flirting with girls!

They started laughing and the girl tightened her grip on my head. I let out a whimper tugging on to her hand.

Girl 1: aw.. how cute. Come on girls, let's get the boys to teach her a lesson.

They started pulling me to a near by staircase that led to all the floors in the school. They pushed me to a wall somewhere around the 5th floor. As I was about to get beat up by the boys, A burst in the 5th floor door stops them.

Random Girl: It's Thyme! He's angry!

Soon they let go of me and ran to the 7th floor where Thyme and the others where. I followed thinking that Thyme might hurt Gorya or someone else.

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