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As soon as the announcement was made, the whole group looked flabbergasted. There was suddenly flickers of bright lights surrounding Thyme so I couldnt tell what was happening. Soon, Thyme had been spitting random things to his mother out and about as I see Mj and Kavin go to a small table near Rosalyn.

Guards were securing Thyme from doing something violent to the crowd, until suddenly I hear Mj shout.

Mj: Thyme!

He quickly gestured car keys as Thyme catched it, the next thing that Thyme did left Gorya and basically everyone who knew they had a relationship dumbfounded.

Thyme had been running towards our dirrection, everyons thinking he's gonn bring Groya, but instead he grabbed the wrong girl. Lita and Thyme had been speeding off into a car as I cant help but take out a few snickers.

Soon they sped off with the car as everyone cant help but look confused. I look over to where Mj and Kavin had been standing and they both lool dumbfounded.

Kavin: But that-- thats-- that- that's the wrong-- wrong girl ..

I look over to Gorya who had looked very much confused so i put a hand on her shoulder.

Me: you okay? You seem .. dumbfounded, just like everyone else.

Gorya: oh- uh yeah .. just need a bit of time to process things ..

I sigh to myself as we re-grouped into 5 people without Thyme.

Ren: Since the night is basically over, lets get some rest. I'll bring Gorya home.

Kavin: Alright then, goodnight guys.

Soon they all went to their respective cars as I see them go through the exit. I sigh to myself and go through the gate after their cars walking on the side walk.

My thoughts quickly jumble around into a pile of giberish so i quickly fumble with my hair to finally understand what my head was trying to say. As soon as I reached a few blocks away from Thyme's house, I felt a small creepy look coming from a distance. I look to my left and right, not seeing anything.

As i look to my back an old man was holding a knife near my head. My mind kept telling me to move but my body just quickly shut down. It was as if I was paralized. I couldnt move my legs or my hands to cover myself from the old man. The only thing I could do was close my eyes hoping and praying nothing bad would happen to me.

I hear a knife peircing through the shed of skin but it wasnt mine for I did not feel anything. I quickly look up and I see a man with long hair in a suit. Knowing this type of fashion it was Mj.

I heard him whimper a little from the knife that cut his hand. The old man quickly scurried off somewhere in a dark alley.

I go infront of Mj to see his wounded hand as I smell the blood in the air. The injury was horrifying to see.

Me: Mj, are you alright!? When did you get here??

Mj: enough, I'm driving you back home.

He started dragging me to his car that was parked near another road. I pull out my hand from his firm grasp as he turns around to me in confusion.

Mj: what are you doing?

Me: do you expect me to let yoy drive with an injury like that?!?

Mj: relax, we have two hands for a reason.

Me: Relax?? It looks deep for gods sake you dumbass!! Lets get to a hospital.

Mj: No, im driving you home, and that's final. I dont want you wondering around the strerts at night, bad men are always around Thyme's house waiting to sabotage their family. God forbids, what would happen if they tried to kill the wrong person. Let alone a girl!

Me:Oh, so you're saying a girl cant handle injuries?? Maybe if u didnt stop that man from stabbing me, i can prove it to you right here and right now!

Mj: Fine! Maybe I shouldnt have risked my precious blood on you!

Me: Yeah?? As if I asked you to do that??! You never cared anyway!

Mj: eugh, Im tired of fighting with you for random nonsense! Just get in the car! No wonder why I broke up with you.

Before I could say anything else, he just went back to the drivers seat and closed the door.

I scoff to myself as i watch his frustrating figure from the back of his car windows.

How dare he??? He dares to say that after cheating on me??
Thoughts start to ramble through my mind as i stomp my feet whimpering from the pissed off energy.

A thought starts to cross my mind as I remember the image of Mj's bleeding hand.

He did save me from the old man, and he even offered me a ride home. No wonder he's pissed.

As I rumage through my thoughts I suddenly hear Mj's car opening.

Mj: hey, you going in or not? You're having a way too long episode there.

I turn around and reach for something in my purse. I quickly run to Mj while holding a handkercheif on my hand.

Me: mm! Give me your hand.

Mj: what why?? Who knows what you're going to do!

Me: for both of ohr sakes judt give me the goddamn hand.

He quickly gestures his hand to me but it was his kther hand that was uninjured.

Me: the ither hand dumbass.

He slowly takes out his other hand that had a cutt across his hand. I examine his hand a little closer than what my previous view when he was holding it up fending from the knife and I realize the cutt looked way worse up close.

Mj: What, what are you doing?

I take his hand slowly and carefully abd wrap the handkercheif around the injury not too tightly.

Me: if you plan on driving me home, at least dont make me worry about you whimpering like a donkey.

I said with a small pout while looking down on the ground as guilt rushes through my feelings of anger. I hear a small chuckle from Mj as I feel him place a hand on my head.

Mj: Calm down, and thanks for the handkercheif.

Me: hmp!! Dont get ahead of yoyrself too much Methas Jarustiwa!!

Mj: hehe, girls like you dont look good when they're mad or sad. Si for our sake lets stay happy. Now, lets get you home Ms. Poutty.

I quickly got into the car as he drove me home.


Mj just dropped me off and I wave to him goodbye as I enter the house. I quickly rumage through my purse to see if anything is missing. That's when it hit me. I wrapped the wrong handkercheif on Mj's hand. I had two in my purse, one that belonged to my mother, and one that I had stolen from my father's closet years ago that I forgot to bring back.

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