Nightmare; Talay

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Chapter 26

A few weeks after me and Mj had that incident, I started packing the house to go back to the Philippines and go through college there. By the time I would be fully packed I cut all contact with everyone except my brother caleb.

I look around my room seeing it only to be filled with empty white walls no pictures hanging, no bed, and no more owner to keep the room company. I look to my left and see Mr. Goy and Ms. Beah at the door looking all teared up.

Me: It's ok, I'll be gone for just a couple of years.

I could hear a few words coming from Ms. Beah in between a few sniffles.

Ms. Beah: You cant just go like this my child, what-- what if the Masters dont treat you properly? They abandoned you and left you here at Thailand!

I sigh to myself going out my room and locking the door.

Me: Maybe they've changed, who knows?

As I attempt to go downstairs for lunch Mr. Goy interrupted me.

Mr. Goy: But we took great care for you and your brother, do we mean nothing to you??

A few memories of Mr. Goy, Ms. Beah, Caleb and me flashed through my mind. I walked back to them making sure I gave them a tight hug before I go downstairs.


It was mostly silent when me and Caleb ate, only silver forks and spoons clattered in the room, no lights were present except the sun that tried shining its way from the clouds that blocked the light near the windows.

I hear Caleb sigh as I pop my head up to see what he might say.

Caleb: Are you sure you're going with this plan? Everyone here will miss you.

Me: I cut contact with everyone on every platform and social media I could find. They can and will think that something went wrong with my accounts making it the perfect ideal time to flee the country in hopes of nobody suspecting a thing.

It was silent for a while and I was expecting him to protest but there was a sudden bang from his said of the table. He looked shocked so I asked what was wrong, Caleb handed me his phone and I see Thyme and Lalita kissing before their graduation.

Caleb: Shit! I forgot it was our graduation today!

I sigh to myself scratching my head.

Me: that's the only thing you noticed?? Quickly quickly! Get dressed, I'll drive.


Caleb and I just made it in time to hear Kavin's speech. I was surprised that he was the class valedictorian and had made up a well-oriented speech.

When the event was done, all the graudates and their families gathered around and took pictures to remember this moment. I look around trying to find Caleb and see him standing somewhere looking down. I quickly approach him.

Me: Hey, you just graduated, arent you happy?

Caleb: Yeah, but studying is going to be a whole lot harder now.

I sigh to myself and take out my phone. I bonk his head and point to the camera.

Caleb: I dont want.

Me: oh come on!

It took a while and a few arm pulling until we finally got the photo.

Me: I'll make sure to frame this and send it to Mom and Dad!

Caleb: Dont bother, send it to Ms. Beah and Mr. Goy instead.


We decided to go the the mall and get some coffee before going back home. I bought caleb a few jackets and shirts as a graduation present.

As we walked slowly to the exit, we had a small conversation.

Caleb: I honestly dont know how I can live without a sibling. Always there to sort of help relaxe me with their annoyance, kinda got used to it already.

Me: Well get used to it while I'm gone. Once I'm back it'll be like you're in the army.

We laugh and talk a bit as we got home.

It was the next day and It was Caleb's prom. I made sure to wake him up early just so he can get pretty and handsome for his date. It took a while to wake him up but he finally decided to get ready. Once it was the afternoon he was fully set and ready to go to prom.

I took a few pictures because It would be the last time I'll see him again in a long while.


It was around 6pm, the sun was no where to be seen but the moon shined as bright as it can be. My brother was just about to go to prom but he got called by Ren sounding all so very worried.

Caleb: Ren, what is it?

Ren: come to the school quick! Gorya is onconscious by the abandoned gym.

We both took out on the rush to the car and while driving to the school, I told Caleb's date he might be late for "family issues".

By the time we arrived there was a crowed of people while Ren was carrying Gorya.

Me: Oh my, what the hell happened here??

The 3 Girls spoke up pointing at a few guys

Girl 1: Those guys knocked her unconscious!

Caleb: Ren, get Gorya to the hospital, I'll deal with them.

Ren exited from the back exit until he left my sight. After Ren had left a few yells and screams were let out by my own dear brother. His head had veigns and so far it did not look like a good sign.

Some people tried to land a few punches at him but he quickly dodged. Afrer tiring most of the guys out, we decided to follow Ren to his car.

We saw his car door open but no Ren near, we came closer to the car just to see Ren knocked unconscious by the floor. I look around and see that Gorya wasnt around and I started to panic.

Caleb: It's ok, I'll go call up Mj and Kavin.

I just noded slowly not caring about the promise I made with Mj the other few nights, I just wanted this nightmare to end.

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