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It's been a couple of weeks ever since I've been helping Gorya with her financial Issues. I took a coffee job, dishwasher, and babysitter job while Gorya got a Cleaner, Delivery, and Waiter job.

I flopp down onto my bed as my body aches from all the work that I had done. GORYA BETTER GIVE ME A BIG PRAISE FOR THIS! HMP!


I let out a tiresome groan and role around my bed. I hear a few footsteps coming to my bedroom and assume it was My secretary's.

Me: come in.

I see Ms. Beah and Mr. Goy enter my room with a small wheel cart of food.

Ms. Beah: Young Mistress, Please it, you've been doing so many jobs for the past couple of weeks and havent gotten a proper meal!

I sigh and stood up sitting on the bed.

Me: fine, what did you prepare for me?

I look around the cart and see a small slice of cake on it. I gasp at the sight from the cake.

Me: is that choclate?? Red velvet? Caramel??

I couldnt make out what it was because it was at the 2nd shelf of the cart.

Mr. Goy: It's chocolate Ms. now please eat up.

I nod my head full of exitment and dissmiss them to go to bed.

After a few minutes, I finished my food and took a bath. I quickly place on pajamas and flop onto my bed.


Me and Gorya decided to go to the flower shop to visit Kaning. I brought a packed lunch of sandwitches and sushi for us to eat. As I stopped at the door of the store, I see Kaning and Kavin picking up a few small bits off from the ground. I quickly pull Gorya who was focused on her phone to a near-by plant that was infront of the window big enough to hide both of us.

Gorya: what are you doing?!

I cover her mouth and point to the other side of the window showing Kaning and Kavin.

Gorya: KAVIN??

She sort of yelled as they turned around to us. I quickly duck Gorya and my head to avoid them seeing us. Once they werent looking I take my phone out and peek it out of the plant to take a few pictures of Kaning and Kavin.

Me: Holy Shit! This is the biggest news in history!

I say as I take a few photos.

Gorya: What do you think they're talking about??

Mj: The bigger question is, why are both of you spying on your friend?

I give out a small shreek and turn around to see Mj. I quickly pulled him behind the plant just beside me.


〣( ºΔº )〣

I quickly shush him and start explaining what happened. I slowly peeked through the plant to see they were gone. I look beside me and it was Kaning and Kavin. I quickly pull Gorya and Mj to a corner behind the plant and start listening.

Kaning: alright, thanks, bye!

Kavin left and I lay my back to the wall slowly sliding down to my knees.

I hear a sigh from Mj causing me to look up.

Mj: anyways, I'll get going now. Do whatever you were doing.

He said in an annoyed voice. He started walking to a motor and I quickly run after him. I tug onto his sleeve and he looks back to face me.

Me: Mj, is something wrong?

He pulled back his arm causing me to stumble back a bit.

Mj: save it for next time.

I felt so confused as random emotions flowed through my head like a river fighting with the wind. Did I do something wrong?


I suddenly got a call and hesitated if I should answer or not. I turn back to Mj who had his arms crossed waiting for me.

Me: oh-- uh.. Please stay here, Just-- stay-!

I rushed to a nearby spot to answer my call.

Me: Hello, who is this?

???: stay away from him. You have a few days left.

I give out a loud shreik and drop my phone. Gorya rushed to my side and starte examining the scene.

Gorya: Y/n, what happened??

I just stood there shocked while I slowly bent down to reach my phone. There was a small crack barely visible, but when I opened my phone I saw a message from an unknown number. I press the message and they sent a picture with a bloody eye on it. It said "D-5" on the center of the eye. I give out a loud scream and cover my mouth.

From the corner of my eye I saw Kaning approach us.

Kaning: guys! When did you come here?? And why did I hear screaming??

I show her the picture they sent me while my hands where shaking.

Kaning: come inside, we'll help you calm down.

They accompanied me inside and sat me down on a seat near the table full of flowers.

Kaning: tell us, what happened??

It all faded to black, and the only thing I saw was a dim light shining above Kaning Gorya, and I. Everything else was pitch black. I run my hands through my hair constantly pulling it from here to there. The words couldnt come out of my mouth almost as if I was chocking on it.

Gorya took one of my hands while Kaning took my other hand and gave me a reasuring smile.

Gorya: Calm down Y/n, tell us from step to step.

I take in a deep breath as the words stuttered out of my mouth bit by bit.

Me: I've been getting phone calls and random text's from random people. They've been telling me to keep away from Mj. I did nothing wrong. I havent even seen him all week! And then this message pops up with D-5 on it, even tho I didnt know what's it for, I just-- I dont--

I kept fumbling with my words to the point where my mouth was just glitching here in there.

Kaning: alright, calm down. Give me your phone.

I take out my phone and give it to her. She does a few things with my phone so given that im the owner, I asked what was she doing.

Kaning: Let's go out and have a little bit of fun. It can help you relaxe. While we're having fun I'll hang onto your phone to make sure you dont get any of those messages.

I slowly nodded my head yes as they stand up and shared a look with each other before looking back at me.

Me: w-what is it?

Gorya: We're gonna show you some fun!!


Gorya and Kaning dragged me to a lot of places. We went to the arcade, we went to the movies, ate some street food only to end up infront of a department store in a mall filled with clothes. Tho they weren't designer, they were still better than those snobby leather leopared pants.

I turn to Gorya and Kaning and take out my wallet. I give them 2 black cards as they stood there shock.

Me: everything is on me. Buy anything, and everything you want!!

They both smiled and asked me if it was alright. I gave a nod as a response as they took out their phones and wanted to take a picture.

Me: hold on, take out your black cards!

We took out our cards and took a few photos before racing into the department store.


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