Civil War; Walls

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As I rushed up to the 7th floor, I see Thyme beating up one of the guys who nearly punched me. I don't know if it was deserved, or I should feel bad for him. I rush over to where Mj and Kavin was.

Me: What happened?? Why is he like this??

Kavin: We don't know, he was looking for Gorya, and when we found him he was suddenly so angry.

I scrunch my brows looking at the furious Thyme.

Me: I have a feeling Gorya has a reason why Thyme is so mad.

They looked at me before looking at something or someone behind me. I saw Gorya and Ren standing beside each other while watching Thyme beat up the kid. Yep, Gorya definitely has something to do with this. Thyme turned around to face Gorya and Ren.

Thyme: You know what? I don't care anymore

All of us where confused

Mj: Thyme, let's talk this out--

Thyme: Are you going to disobey me like what he did?

He pointed a finger at Mj, and I just took his hand and shook my head at him. He gently lowered his hand as I let go. He walks towards Ren while putting a hand on his pocket.

Thyme: From today on, there will only be 3 people in F4.

Gossips and whispers filled the floors.

Kavin: Thyme, what do you mean by that?!

Thyme turned towards Kavin

Thyme: When I meant by only 3 people, I meant..

He eyed his gaze on Ren before turning back to him face to face.

Thyme: Ren is out of F4.

People started texting stuff and gossiping while Thyme attempted to exit the scene..

Gorya: Thyme! Let's talk about this for a sec--

Gorya tugged on to his arm before Thyme quickly tugging it back causing her to stumble. He lightly pushed her while giving her a phone.

Thyme: there's nothing else to talk about.

With that, Thyme walked away, and Gorya chased after him to a some-what classroom. Soon the students went home as I stayed with Kavin and Mj. We walked to their lounge and they motioned me to take a seat. I sigh and face palm my head while rubbing it.

Me: Gorya did do something, she pissed of Thyme.

Mj: We get it, the culprit is Gorya.

Me: Yes, but I think she didnt just piss him off by staying near Ren, if you've known him by now--

Mj cut me off by sighing and slightly fisting the table in front of the seats.

Mj: Yes! We get it! Gorya did something!

Mj looked annoyed, Suddenly my skin crawled with anxiousness. I was scared actually. He never scolded me like that.

Me: S-sorry..

It all went silent and I just looked through my phone fidgeting with a few things, until Mj sighs and looks at me.

Mj: I'm sorry, I didnt mean to cause you to get scared or anything.

I paused for a moment thinking clearly what I should say.

Me: Oh, it's alright. I shouldn't have mentioned them like that in the 1st place.

I give him a small smile as he does the same until a giggle from across Mj's seat interrupts it.

Kavin: Did you guys seriously forget I was here?? You just had a couple fight!

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